RUHappyAre you feeling happy today? Well, that’s not a very good question, because we should never depend upon our feelings. Feelings come, and feelings go. Feelings are deceiving. We should live our lives by the truth of God’s eternal Word, not how we feel.

However, the Bible talks about certain things that make us happy. They’re worth finding out, aren’t they?

God says that having children makes us happy. Psalm 127:4, 5 says: “As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. HAPPY is the man that hath his quiver full of them . . .” The Hebrew word is “esher” and means “how happy”! It’s not just happy, but “how happy” or “happy, happy.” It is a plural word.

The Young’s Literal translation says: “O THE HAPPINESS of the man Who hath filled his quiver with them. They are not ashamed, For they speak with enemies in the gate!”

This Scripture is talking about men, but the God gives the same message to us mothers. He calls us “JOYFUL” mothers in Psalm 113:9.

Therefore, lovely mothers, you may not feel very happy as you face all the challenges of your children today. But forget your feelings. Embrace the truth. God intends that His gift of children to us will fill us with happiness. When we get our thinking straight and get it in line with God’s truth, that’s what we will experience.

It’s easy to feel negative about motherhood because the devil who hates motherhood makes sure we are filled with lies and deception every day. It comes through our education, the media, in-laws and out-laws, and society in general. And it’s all false. God’s Word is true! “Let God be true, but every man a liar” (Romans 3:4).

We see God’s heart of love for us as we read Deuteronomy 7:12, 13: “The LORD thy God shall keep unto thee the covenant and the mercy which he sware unto thy fathers; And he will LOVE thee, and BLESS thee.” And how does God show His love and blessing to us? The next words in this Scriptures say: “And MULTIPLY thee: he will also bless the fruit of thy womb.” And then God goes on to say that He will bless the “fruit of thy land” etc. in order to provide for the children that He gives.

Believe the truth. Relax and enjoy your children today. Rejoice in them. Sing over them like God sings and rejoices over us. And just be HAPPY! As you do, you’ll become even happier and your children will be happy too!

When you are happy, they are happy! And that makes for happy living.

Love from Nancy Campbell

P.S. Tomorrow we’ll look at more things God says will make us happy.


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