AreYouPrayingIt's hard to believe what is happening in our nation, isn't it? It’s difficult to comprehend the corruption in someone who wants to lead our country! There was a time when America was the least corrupt nation in the world. Now it is rife at the top! But we thank God for answering prayer. We have been praying earnestly and consistently for God to expose all deception, corruption, and the hidden agendas in our government. God is answering prayer and exposing it.

We must keep praying. Praying begins with families, not the church. Are you praying earnestly as a family each day for these coming elections which are just about upon us? This country is at tipping point. These elections will determine the course of this nation and ultimately the world.

We must pray and we most vote against evil—against corruption, against the murdering of babies in the womb right up until the day they are born (which is Hilary’s agenda), against euthanasia, against the appointment of liberal Supreme Court judges (which Hilary plans to do) and it goes on and on.

We have a friend who is very close to our family and recently he arrived with a replica of the LIBERTY BELL for us. And yes, it even has the crack in it, and the Scripture written on it which is on the original in Philadelphia: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof” (Leviticus 25:10).

Our friend knows we have Prayer Boxes on different subjects that we use each morning and evening in our family prayer times. Now we use the Liberty Bell to pray for the nation (and now the upcoming elections). Each card tells a different need to pray for our nation. We find the prayer cards help to stimulate our prayer times, especially for the children, who often run out of ideas to pray. It teaches them to stay focused and gives ideas for prayer which they often don’t have.

If you are not currently praying, can you begin today? Gather your family together at your evening meal tonight and PRAY TOGETHER, Everyone around the table. Don’t just pray. CALL out to God to save our nation. You may have to rearrange your whole schedule. We can’t even consider that sacrifice when we consider that our nation hangs in the balances.

Can you imagine what could happen if every God-fearing, Bible believing family began to gather their family together morning and evening and cry out to God for this nation. We can quote 2 Chronicles 7:14 by heart, but do we believe it or do anything about it?

Luke 18:7-8: "Shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry DAY AND NIGHT unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily."

Let’s take up our responsibility as God-fearing families.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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