Life To The Full Podcast


PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 305: Is There A Better Word Than "Kids", Part 7

LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 305Epi305pic: Is There A Better Word Than "Kids", Part 7

I continue sharing what it means to raise princesses. God gives us six words beginning with “P” from Psalm 144:12. What else does He say about them, apart from being princesses?

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Here we are, up to Part 7 of our series, “Is There a Better Word Than “Kids”?” Well, when I start a series, I never can believe how many we do in the series! Here we are, still going.

Last week, we were talking about how God wants our daughters to be like PILLARS in a palace. In fact, I have six points about this. To catch you up from last week, they all start with “P.” The first one is that our daughters are to be the very PIVOT of our home. It doesn’t say the word “pivot,” but I used it because I wanted to keep all P’s. The actual word in the Bible is “cornerstones.”

Then they are to be a PATTERN, the pattern like the pattern of a palace. They are also to be fashioned for a PALACE. No. 4, they are to be POLISHED. Now we’re up to number five, that they are to be like . . .

               5) PILLARS in a palace

I did read the Scriptures last time, but we’ll read them again.

The Living Bible says: “They are to be like daughters of graceful beauty, like the pillars of a palace wall.”

The New American Bible: “Our daughters, like carved columns, shapely as those of the temple.”

Fines Translation: “Our daughters like upright pillars, fine wrought for a palace.”

The Good News Bible: “May our daughters be like stately pillars, which adorn the corners of a palace.”

You would think, wouldn’t you, dear ladies, that when it talks about our sons and our daughters, that it would call our sons “pillars.” Because when you think of pillars in a building, you really only need pillars for a very big building, and of course, especially for a palace. A palace is usually a huge building, and of course, a glorious building. Therefore, they need really strong pillars for a palace. But God didn’t do that. He calls our sons “plants growing up to be strong,” wonderful trees and oaks. But he calls our daughters “pillars.”

There are two things that we notice about pillars. That is that they are both strong and beautiful, because in a palace, the pillars are usually made to look absolutely beautiful. Maybe sometimes they’re made of marble. The marble is shined and shined and shined until it gleams. Maybe they’re decorated. They are also weight bearing and decorative.

How does this apply to our daughters? Well, first of all, let’s talk about the pillars.

They have to be strong. I believe that we need to prepare our daughters to be strong. Yes, we want our sons to be strong physically. But then again, we also want our daughters to be strong physically.

The Bible says that we, as women, are the weaker vessel, and that is true (1 Peter 3:7). Men have much more brute strength than women. That’s how God created them. We are the weaker vessel, but we also need to be as strong as we possibly can as women because we are preparing our daughters to one day begin a family. They’re going to take on the weight of raising a family, bearing children, and they do need to be strong physically. It is a great blessing to be strong physically as you are bearing and raising children.

If you go into a marriage weakly and sickly, well, that’s not going to be so easy for a young mother. It starts, of course, dear mothers, with us. How are you preparing your daughters? Are you preparing them now to be strong physically?

How do you teach them how to eat? I find that most young people today, even young daughters, live mostly on the standard American diet. They eat white bread, and they eat white rice, and white pasta. They eat foods full of sugar. They think that’s normal. That isn’t really preparing them for one day childbearing.

I believe we have a responsibility as mothers to feed our children on good, wholesome food, not devitalized food, not polished food, not packaged food. No, food that’s the real thing! It starts from scratch. We eliminate sugar from our diet which is one of the curses of ill health. It destroys the B vitamins in your body. We don’t have to be crazy. We just have to be normal and eat the foods that God provided for us in their natural state. Let’s away with all these “whites” and devitalized stuff. That is a very important thing.

It’s hard to start if they’re already used to all that junk. In fact, it’s amazing. I can’t believe how much junk mothers bring into their homes. Junk! You go to the supermarket, and really, most of it is junk. Really, apart from a few things, you only need to go down the vegetable and fruit aisle.

Most of your other things, like your grains and things like that, can be ordered from companies where you can get them in bulk. Much cheaper to do it that way. That way, you can get them organic, and you get them in their whole state, instead of stupid packaged things.

It is just about the normal in most American homes that they use packaged cereals for breakfast. I beg your pardon. That is not preparing your sons to be strong, nor your beautiful daughters for one day when they will be childbearing. You might as well eat the package, because when you look at what’s in them, it’s nothing like the original state! Come on!

I believe we have a responsibility as mothers, as women, to feed our children healthily, and to learn as much as we can about it. I’m sure most of you are doing that too. That’s important. We are going to prepare them to be strong physically.

Although it is true that even childbearing can be a wonderful blessing. I know a young mother, a beautiful young mother. She’s now expecting her sixth baby. I remember going to her wedding. At that time, she was very, very sickly. I think she had Lyme Disease at the time. She was always very ill, very sick, very weak. I wondered, “How will she get on?”

And yet they went into marriage trusting God for the children that He would give them. Even in her sickness, she did not hold back. The amazing thing is that with every baby, she has got healthier. Now she’s expecting her sixth baby, and she is so healthy! It’s amazing, you know, when we yield ourselves to the Lord and our bodies for His purposes.

God created the female body to bring forth children. Therefore, it’s not a negative, but a positive for our body. Pregnancy can often bring healing to so many areas of our body. That’s a wonderful testimony. I just saw her again the other day and it was so beautiful to see her glowing with pregnancy and looking so well.

But we also want to train our daughters to be strong mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—in all these areas. Sometimes daughters, as they’re growing, can be emotional. That’s understandable as they’re going through their teen years. But we do need to teach our children how to be stable and strong, mentally and emotionally.

That is one of things that the older women are to teach the younger women. We see that in Titus, that famous Scripture of where the older women are to teach the younger women. Titus 2:4-5: That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet.”

Actually, both those words in the Greek are very similar. That word “sober” is sophron. It comes from two Greek words, “the mind,” and “to have self-control.” It’s having self-control of the mind. It says that we’re to teach this. I know even some mothers, and of course even daughters growing up, get very emotional, even weak emotionally. and in their minds.

But we are to teach them how to overcome their emotions, and how to be strong in their minds, emotionally and mentally. This is an important thing that we are to train our young daughters, and this is speaking to the young women too, to be sober. It’s not talking about not being drunk. It’s talking about having a sound mind.

It’s easy for young daughters to get caught up with all kinds of imaginations and things that are not real, and feelings. This is where the devil comes to tempt us more than any other place, in our minds. In our minds. He brings all these crazy thought to our minds. You know you face that yourself, don’t you? Our precious daughters are going to face that.

We need to teach them how to bring every thought into captivity to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

Well, I think that would be a good memory verse for your daughters, wouldn’t it? It’s something we learn. That’s why the Bible says we have to teach it because it doesn’t just suddenly happen. We have to learn how to bring our thoughts into captivity, not letting them run away with us, and to cast down all these crazy imaginations and fears and feelings, because we can live our lives by our feelings.

Our daughters will most probably, in the natural, they will live their lives by their feelings if we don’t teach them that that’s not the way we live! Feelings come, feelings go. Feelings are not reality. They’re just feelings. We have got to learn to live our lives on facts. What are the facts? The truth of the Word of God.

Matthew 4:4: Jesus said when the devil came to tempt Him, bringing all these different thoughts into His mind, He said: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” God’s Word is true! So, we stand on God’s Word, and we cast down imaginations, and we push back all these feelings, and we don’t listen to our feelings. We learn to live that by the Spirit, and we teach our daughters also.

Then, of course, we want them to be strong in the Word of God. Oh my, that is so important. Strong in the Word. Are your daughters, your young teens, your mid-teens, your older teens, are they really strong in the Word? Does the Word of God dwell in them richly? Because I think one of the greatest blessings of going into marriage, and then beginning to raise a family, is to have the Word of Christ dwelling in you richly, knowing the truth (Colossians 3:16).

I look back on my own life and I’m so glad that I responded to the pull of the Lord to seek after Him. At 18 years of age, I experienced God in a very amazing way, and began then to seek Him with all my heart. At that time, I used to get up very early. It took some doing, but I would get up very early every morning, and seek God in His Word and in prayer for about three hours before I began the day.

I had to begin the day early, because I was going out to work. But I actually esthetically and diligently committed myself to that. I know that I’m reaping of the benefits, still today, at this time of my life.

Now, lovely ladies, I wonder? Are there young daughters listening today? I hope so. I want to share something with you. Maybe, if your daughters are not listening, you can share this with them, because it’s a little pattern of how I began to read the Word. Many times you may encourage your daughters, and your sons, of course, but we’re particularly talking about daughters in this podcast, you encourage them to read the Word. But often they don’t know where to read or what to read. They need some pattern to do it.

I found these are things, I have eight points here of things that really revolutionized the reading of God’s Word and which I still do today. It’s a good idea. Well, I remember when I first started reading the Word. I thought, “OK, read through the Bible!” So, I’d read through, from beginning to end, and then start again. But then, some may not like to do that. They may like to choose a chapter in a book in the New Testament, and then go to a book in the Old.

But the main thing is, what do you do when you’re reading the Word of God? I’m a great believer, as you know, that we have family devotions morning and evening. That is so important. But then, we must encourage each of our children to have their own personal quiet time. I was raised with that phrase, “having your quiet time.” I don’t know why they called it the “quiet time.” It doesn’t have to be called that. It can be called “your time with God.” I think that would be even better.

But do encourage your children to have this time, to have this time before they come out for breakfast. I’m always challenged by that dear old Chinese saint who used to say, “No Bible, no breakfast!” He would never, ever put food into his body until he had put food into his spirit and soul first.


Do you know, I think that’s the most important thing when we come to the Word? Because it’s easy. “Oh well, that is in my reading,” and you just read. Maybe you don’t get anything.

But we must come, realizing that we’re coming into the Presence of God to read His LIVING Word, a Word that He has given to us. And that EVERY WORD IS LIFE! Yes, every word in this Book is life to me. “Oh, Father, as I read this morning, please speak to me. Show me more of who You are. Show me more of the way You want me to live. Reveal more and more of Your truth to me.” We ask God to speak to us.


Then, secondly, we don’t ask unbelievingly. We ask in faith. We believe that God will speak to us. We go into the Word believing that God is going to speak! Wow! Because of that, I always have my notebook and my journal ready to write down what God is going to speak to me. Because of that, I’m on the lookout.

Now I don’t actually read the Bible through from cover to cover and then start again, because goodness me! I begin my reading, and I often only get through a couple of Scriptures, and I’m saying “Wow! This is amazing! I want to know more about that.” So, I’ll begin to study, and I’ll get out my concordance and find every other Scripture on that subject. Then I’ll make a note of all of them in my notebook, and then I go through them again and put them into their subheadings and so on. Because under a subject heading, there will be many subheadings.

Then I’ll begin to write down those Scriptures and write down what God is saying to me through them. And as I write, more revelations come. It is so exciting! You believe God is going to speak to you. It talks in Hebrews about those who the Word did not profit them because it was not received in faith. We have to receive it in faith.


As you’re reading, you don’t just read. You look up for every word that God is saying. Oh, it’s like panning for gold! You’re not going to find it on the surface. You’ve got to dig. You’re on the lookout, and when a word, even one word pops out at you, you’ll be wanting to dig and find more and more about that word.


You don’t have to keep on reading and think, “Oh, well, I’ve got to get so many chapters in today.” No, stop and meditate on what God is saying to you. Yes. As one writer says, “The person who meditates, thinks about, ponders over, and lets the Word of God sink into his heart will have fresh visions, fresh ideals, and fresh blessings every day.”

I love that Scripture in Joshua 1:8: This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” You don’t have to rush through your reading. Meditate on what you’re reading. Chew it over and over.


That’s one of the most exciting things I love to do, because the Word of God is not normal. It’s not status quo. It’s above the normal. It’s beyond the normal because it’s all about God. It’s all about Christ. He is not just an average person. He is God! He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and everything to do with Him is exceptional. Everything.

OK, when the Word of God is talking about the promises of God in 2 Peter 1, it says about His promises, what does He call them? Just promises? No! “exceeding, great, and precious promises.” Three adjectives to describe them. We’re just getting a little taste.

Then, if you want to go further and dig deeper, and look into the Greek or the Hebrew if it’s in the Old Testament, and find out what those words mean, you’ll get about three, four, five, six, seven more adjectives to even describe them! It is so amazing!

When it’s talking about the peace of God, it doesn’t just say “peace.” It talks about “peace that passes understanding.”

When it’s taking about joy, it talks about “exceeding joy.” “joy unspeakable, and full of glory.” Start looking for them. Don’t forget to write them down.


That’s my next point. Write it down. That has been one of the greatest blessings in my life. As a young person, when I began to seek God and to really seek His Word (that’s why I ended up usually having three hours each morning in the presence of the Lord, in His Word), because oh, wow, when you begin to write things down, you get more understanding and revelation.

I usually have two books. One a notebook that I’ll write down thoughts. As I’m reading, I don’t have time to study them all in one day. Yes, I want to study that when I can. I’ll write down the Scriptures and thoughts about that. Or if I’m doing a study, I’m writing down all the Scriptures, because when I go to write them in my journal, I’m then going to take more time to write each Scripture out fully.

Then when I write a Scripture, I will then begin to write what God is saying to me personally about this, what He’s saying to me in my life, what He’s saying to me about this truth that He is revealing to me. I may not understand it too well, but as I begin to write, more understanding comes.

That’s the secret! Oh, if I could only inspire you all to begin to do this! You will find you will get more and more revelation. There’s a little statement that says, “Thoughts tend to disentangle themselves when they flow through lips or cross pencil tips,” (although we use pens today, don’t we?) It is so true. When you’re writing, you’ll get so much more and more. You won’t be able to believe it.


Don’t just think, “Oh, that’s wonderful!” No! Seek to put it into practice in your life.

James 1:22: “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only.”

And the last one . . .


It’s so good to share what you got from the Word with someone else. What you write down, and what you share, you will keep. In fact, the more you share it, the more it will get right deep down into you.

That’s why the Scriptures say in Romans 10:9, 10: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the mouth confession is made unto salvation, and with the heart man believeth unto righteousness.”

This is the pattern of how we come to Christ but it’s the pattern of how we live our Christian life. From then on, everything we do, every new revelation of truth, we don’t only believe it, but we confess it. It’s only when you confess it that it really becomes part of you.

I shared those eight little points with you, but I do have a little leaflet. It’s on my computer. I can send it to you if you want to email in. I have more in it than I have shared today. It could be a great blessing for your young sons and daughters in teaching them how to get into the Word so that it becomes a habit of their lives and so that they become strong in the Word. Amen!

Oh, I’m so sad, because there are so many young people today in the church, who are so shallow, so shallow in God’s Word! They don’t know it. It doesn’t come out of their mouths. It’s not in them! The Bible says in Colossians 3:16:“Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.”

Dear darling mothers, we’re not just training our children to raise up to be beautiful daughters and great sons. We’ve got to get the Word into them. It’s part of our responsibility, because if that Word is in them they will be strong. They’ll be strong spiritually.

We want them to be strong in their convictions too. That is so important. I’m sure, and I know you are strong in your convictions of the truth, the truths of the Word of God, the truths about the lies about womanhood, about abortion, about the things that are happening in our nation now that are so evil. We must speak to our children about them and let them know how evil they are.

We are living in an hour now where we cannot be half-hearted. We cannot be lukewarm. The Bible says that we are to love righteousness and hate evil.

Romans 12:9: “Abhor that which is evil.” That’s even more than hate. “Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.” The word “abhor” literally means “to shudder with shame.” Oh, are we shuddering with shame about evil? Is that how our children see how we hate it?

How did you feel on Easter Sunday, when Biden made it “Transgender Visibility Day”? How horrendously evil! How we must abhor and shudder at such things! Our children will gain their convictions as they see our convictions, our hate towards evil, our absolute uncompromising hate toward evil. We cannot compromise in any way. And our love for righteousness “that we cleave to that which is good.”

We want them to be strong in their convictions because they’re living in such a deceived, deceived world, aren’t they? Even about womanhood. Our lovely daughters must know who they are. Who are they? We have to know who we are as women, as female, as feminine.

God has not left us without knowing. The Bible says that in the mouth of two or three witnesses, truth, or something, can be established. God has given three witnesses to us as women.

Firstly, biblically. We read the Word, beginning right there in Genesis chapter 1, right in the beginning, where God says He created “male and female.”

Right in the beginning, we have the Word which continues throughout the Word. We continue receiving more and more information of who God wants us to be as women.

But He also gave us the witness in how He created us! Isn’t it crazy, this crazy world we’re living in, that young women today don’t even know who they are. They are so brainwashed, so deceived, that they don’t even know who they are! Who are we? Just look at ourselves! God created us with a womb. A womb. This is our most distinguishing characteristic as a woman. We are “womb-men.”

There are only two people in the world, a male without a womb, a man without a womb, a male. And a man with a womb, the “womb-man,” the woman. We are the “womb-men.” A womb. A womb that can conceive a child and grow a child in the womb and bring forth an eternal living soul. Oh, it is so powerful! We are so blessed. We have the most powerful privilege in the world to join with God and open our lives to Him, to bring forth His children into this world, and prepare them for eternity, for the glory of His eternal realm.

And so, we have this womb. Today, of course, we have transgenderism. They’re trying to take away their wombs and use these blockers and these hormones to wipe out who they are. This is the “shuddering” evil. We must constantly remind our daughters who they are and the glorious privilege of how God created us.

Then we have breasts, nurturing breasts, to nurture a babe at our breast. Such a powerful, beautiful thing, so glorious.

But not only do we have this physically, we have it innately. God didn’t only put it there physically.

The womb, the womb in the Word of God does not only speak of the same thing. There are four different Hebrew words for a “womb.” Sometimes they speak of the literal womb, and then the same word is used to speak of God’s compassion and His mercy. The womb is the revealer and the very seat of our emotions and our compassion.

The breast, oh, the breast speaks of nurturing. The word “breast” is the word that means “to give nurture.” God Himself is El Shaddai, “The Breasted One.” From our very physical being, we physically, but not only physically, we show forth the image of God. Through our womb we show forth His compassion and His mercies. From our breasts we show forth His nurturing heart. We have this privilege and our daughters must know who they are.

OK, time has gone. We’ll have to finish, and that means we’ve got another session yet on this series. So, we’ll do that next week.

“Dear Father, we come to You again at the end of this podcast, thanking You always for Who You are, for who You created us to be. Thank You for the great privilege of being women. Thank You, Lord, that by Your design You created us to be women. It is as women we will fulfill the destiny that You have for us. No other way of destiny will be fulfilled as a woman, because that’s who You created us to be.

“I pray for these lovely mothers listening here, Father, that You will encourage them again, and help them to embrace again their glorious role of mothering. For all the precious daughters listening, Lord, I pray for them, oh God, that they will also understand the glory that You created them to be, and their highest purpose that You have given them.

And that they will also be those who will not be the normal person, not be the one who just shallowly reads God’s Word from time to time, but that they will be seekers after You. Oh God, who will be seekers after Your truth, who will prepare themselves to have the Word so diligently filling their hearts and their lives, so that they will be prepared for all You have for them in the future. I ask it in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris

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“LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell”






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