Life To The Full Podcast




LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell


Another miracle testimony about manuka honey. Today we discover that the land of motherhood is a land of dependency. We don't live like Egypt in the land that flows with milk and honey. It is also a land of fruitfulness.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies. Here we are together for podcast 202. Last week I was giving you some testimonies about how powerful honey is as a healer. I wonder if any of you have tried honey. Any honey is good, but the most effective honey is manuka honey.

It comes from New Zealand, my country of birth, and I was telling you about that last week. But you don’t have to live in New Zealand to get it. It’s now become very much available across the world so you can go onto the internet and check it out. It comes in different grades. The higher grade it is, the more effective it will be.

I was telling you of how, well, actually Arrow came and told you his testimony of how he had his whole face completely burned. Yes, how the manuka honey made it look so beautiful. He healed liked a little baby’s face.

My mother was healed from an ulcer. I was healed twice, from two different infections that I got out of getting a cut. Antibiotics wouldn’t even touch them. The moment I got on to manuka honey, it was miraculous.

I want to tell you one more story before we move on. That is about Serene’s youngest little girl, Solly. When Solly was born, she was born with a hemangioma. Now that’s a big, long name, but it’s really just a name for one of those strawberry birthmarks. When Evangeline was born, she was also born with quite a big hemangioma on her arm, down the lower part of her arm.

They say that it’s actually a little bit of placenta. As the placenta will have life to grow for nine months, a hemangioma will grow for about nine months to a year. It will stop growing and then it gradually begins to fade. When Evangeline was about five years old, her strawberry, we used to call it a “strawberry” in those days, it was pretty much faded.

But about ten percent of those who are born with a hemangioma, they will get infected. Sadly, little Solly’s strawberry got infected. Hers was on her leg. It became a terrible ulcer that was eating into her. It went right down to her bone. It was terrible! She was just this little baby and it was so sad to see. They are so, if they get ulcerated, they are so unbearably painful.

The doctor said that Serene would have to give her beta blockers for one year, plus she would have to go under anesthesia for surgery. Serene certainly didn’t want her to go through that. She didn’t want her on those drugs for a whole year.

Then, of course, oh, goodness me, why do we forget? Suddenly we thought of manuka honey again! Yes, so back to our miracle working, whatever you can call it. It’s a miracle worker. Serene got hold of the high-grade medical grade manuka honey. The moment she began to put it on, the change happened immediately. In about two weeks, this revolting ulcer was healed! It was miraculous! Amazing!

I’m telling you these stories because we’re talking about honey and how powerful it is, and how the land of Israel was the land flowing with milk and honey. We’re also relating it our land of motherhood. So, ladies, if any of you, or your children get any kind of infection, and you can’t break it, any ulcer, or any terrible burns, you can go for manuka honey. Maybe it’s good to have some on hand. D honey is miraculous


My fourth point about honey, of course, is that it is miraculous!


The last point about honey, honey energizes. We know that. It energizes the heart, and it increases the blood flow so that in the physical, but I believe also, our homes should be filled with energy.

Now, I’m not talking about screaming children bouncing off the walls. I’m sure you’ve got plenty of that! But I believe we should have the energy, not of the flesh, but of the Holy Spirit. Of course, the energy of lots of wonderful projects, and things that we’re doing in our home. Our homes should never be stagnant, boring places, but places that are filled with wholesome energy of productivity and things that are happening.

I believe the home is first a nurturing center. It’s also a birthing center. Maybe many of you have birthed at home. It’s a training and education system. This is where many of you who are listening are homeschooling. It’s a praise and worship center, a prayer center, and an eating center, of course. A hospitality center, a cultural development center, a social center, a counseling center, a health and healing center, an industry center. I’m sure you have many projects going. Maybe some of them you are even making a little bit of money on the sideline. You’ve got a webpage, and you’re selling the products that you make because of your great creativity that you have. It’s a convalescent center, and a garden center.

Well, wow, ladies! How do you have time to vacate your home? When your home is all these amazing things, the home is meant to be that hub. It’s the hub of our family life. It becomes the hub of where we live. Our society and home should be the hub of the nation. Sadly, we are living in this society where homes are being vacated. We are losing the strength of our nation because homes are the strength of the nation.


Let’s move onto another point. Another description about the land of Israel is that it is the land of dependency. So is the case in our land of motherhood.

Let me read you Deuteronomy 11:10-12. This is what God says to His people about the land they were going to: “For the land which you go to possess is not like the land of Egypt, from which you have come, when you sowed your seed and watered it by foot, as a vegetable garden, but the land which you cross over to possess is the land of hills and valleys, which drinks water from the rain of heaven. A land for which the Lord your God cares. The eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year.”

What a beautiful promise! Dear ladies, you can claim that promise for your land, for your home, too. When you make your home a home where God delights to dwell, when you seek to have His presence in your home, you can claim that promise. “The eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year.” Don’t you love that? That would be a beautiful promise to print out and pin up on your wall somewhere to remind you.

Now, you notice that God’s eyes were upon them in the land, in the land that He was giving them. This is where God’s eyes are upon us, dear mothers. When you come into your home and embrace your land and all that God has given to you there, oh, you can claim that promise! His eye is upon you. Because you’re in the place where He wants you to be.

We see that they no longer had to do everything in the flesh. When they got to the Promised Land, they didn’t look after their gardens like they did in Egypt. In Egypt they had to rely on the overflow of the Nile. They stored their water by artificial means.

They irrigated their fields with treadmills. Do you notice that the Scripture says that they had to water it by foot? You see, they were using the treadmills. They had to use their feet to make them work, to get the water out of them. It was very, very tiresome work. It took human sweat and toil.

But when they went to the Promised Land, they didn’t have the Nile River. Well, they had the Jordan, but that wasn’t like the Nile. It couldn’t provide all the water they needed. They had to rely on God Himself! They had to rely on the early rains and the latter rains.

When God sent the early rains, it was just at the right time when they were planting the seed. Then He would send the latter rains at the time of harvest, to get it ready for harvest. When the children of Israel were walking in obedience to God’s ways, those rains came. They would have bountiful harvests.

There were times when God stopped those rains. There was famine when the rains didn’t come. That was because they were walking in disobedience. But when they walked in obedience and trusted God, He did it for them! You see, it was different in the land that God took them to.

And darling ladies, it’s different in our land of motherhood too, where we are learning to trust God. We’re not meant to do it like so much of society is doing it today. There are many, many wives who, because while they’re just barely making it, they’re hardly getting through financially, they think, “OK, well, my husband, he’s just not doing enough. I’ll have to get out and get a job too. We both need to work. We can’t even survive without two incomes coming in.” That’s how most people think today. “We need at least two incomes.”

Well, of course you do, if you’re going to do it according to Egypt! If you’re going to do it according to the flesh, and you’re going to tread the treadmills yourself and do it your way, you will need two incomes. But if you realize you’re in the land that God has brought you into, it’s a land where you no longer do it on your own strength. This is land where you become dependent upon God. You’ve got to trust Him! Wow, that’s not easy, is it?

But we find that when we trust Him and we walk in obedience to His ways, He will be faithful! He told them, “This is how it is going to work. You’ve just got to trust Me. I’ll send the rains. I’ll provide. You walk in obedience to Me, and My eye will be upon you, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year!”

So, lovely ladies, I know many of you have come back into the home. Others of you, you long to. This is where you want to be, and you think, “How can I ever do it? How will we ever survive? We just barely make it on our two incomes!”

Because you’re doing it the way of Egypt. You see, we’re not meant to live the way of Egypt when we come into the Promised Land. We’re not meant to live the way all society lives who do not know God, who do not know how to trust Him. But when we learn to trust Him, walk in obedience to Him, we will find that God is true to His Word!

Romans 8:1: “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Even when we’re wanting to walk in the Spirit, we often find we’re still walking in the flesh, don’t we? We’re so used to it. But may God help us to learn to walk in the Spirit, trusting God, believing His promises.

In the flesh, you most probably would never come home from your job. Because in the flesh, you can’t see how you can do it. There’s absolutely no way. It’s all a step of faith. I remember such a dear friend of mine, Val Stares. More than a friend, she has been with me in the vision of Above Rubies from the very, very first day that I got the vision. That is about 45 years ago, back in New Zealand.

I remember walking up, well, no, I drove up to the hospital to see a friend. Her little boy was in hospital. Val had come too. We were both there, visiting her. While we were there, I said, “Oh, Val, I’ve just got to tell you something! I’ve just got this incredible vision! We are going to get out a magazine to the families and the mothers of the nation to encourage them in God’s ways!”

Well, she looked at me with this blank stare. Interestingly, her name is Val Stares. She really had this blank stare that day! I didn’t know that that very morning she had said to the Lord, “If Nancy Campbell comes up with any more of her great ideas, I’m not getting involved!” Well, she got involved! She’s still involved with me today. Since we left the shores of Australia, she has looked after Above Rubies in that nation for all these years.

What was I telling you that for? Oh yes! Because, if you only knew Val, she is the most motherly, nurturing person you could ever meet. She is a lover of babies, and a lover of children. But when she started her life as a mother, she wasn’t saved. She didn’t even know the Lord. Her husband wasn’t saved. He didn’t have any vision for family. They stopped at three children because that was, well, what you did. That was pretty good, having three children! She even had a tubal ligation.

But then, she gets saved! Oh, I remember the night she came into our church! She was not saved! Not even interested in God. The Holy Spirit came upon her. That night she was born again. She went into the baptismal pool that same night. She was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit and never the same again.

But she’d had a tubal ligation. And she longed and longed for children. Also, her husband, who wasn’t a Christian, he still made her work. OK, he was adamant! “No, you can’t leave your job! We won’t be able to survive!”

She was wanting to be a lovely Christian wife and please her husband. But every week we would have an Above Rubies prayer meeting. We would be praying for all the needs of Above Rubies, praying for women who we knew needed prayer. We would always pray for Val. “Oh, Lord God! Please free Val from this job! Lord, You know how she longs to come home! Oh God, we pray that You would touch Bill and let her come home!” We’d go on and on praying. We’d all be praying.

God never answered our prayers. Bill just stayed the same. Then the time went by. One day she came home from her job, and she found her eldest daughter in the bathroom, with a man. Val was so devastated. I have never seen anyone so devastated. She wasn’t well at the time either. But it gave her that last thing to say to her husband, “I cannot do this any longer. I have to be home for my children, for my other children.” Grudgingly, he said OK. Very grudgingly, wondering how they would ever work.

She also wondered, “How will we ever do it?” She was working three jobs to try and make ends meet. Well, she gave in her notice by faith. And the time came she got her last paycheck. Do you know, Val would tell you this, if she was sitting here. Sorry, it was a bit hard to get her when she lives down at the bottom of the world.

But she says, “God continued to provide! We didn’t land up on the streets. We survived. Oh, we didn’t have everything we wanted, but we never went without a meal again.” And God continued, from that moment, to provide for their needs! All it took was one step of faith.

You see, when we do it our way, God has to stand back and say, “Oh, well, you want to do it like Egypt. Well, OK, I’ll just wait. But when you come and you trust Me, I’ll show you that I am faithful.” So, there you go, ladies.


Let’s go on to the next one, shall we? Number seven: it is a fruitful land.

Deuteronomy 7:13. God says to His people: “He will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee: He will also bless the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy land, thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil, the increase of thy cattle, and the flocks of thy sheep, in the land which he sware unto thy fathers to give thee.

He's telling them that in the land He’s going to bless their wombs, and He’s going to bless everything else! That’s the amazing thing. You see, God always speaks of first things first. The very first thing He says here is: “I will love you and bless you.” And how is He going to bless them?

The next thing He says: “I will multiply you.” Oh, there’s not a lot of people who actually name the name “Christian” who like those kinds of Scriptures. Because that’s not the only one! There are so many Scriptures where this is what God says. He says: “I will bless you, bless you.” The next thing He says is: “I will multiply you.”

He’s going to make them fruitful in the Land. But he doesn’t stop there. That’s the first thing. “I will bless the fruit of your womb. But then, I’m going to bless your land, your corn, your wine, your oil, your cattle, your sheep! Oh, all of it! Why? Because you’ll need that to provide for the fruit of the womb.”

You see how God works? The fruit of the womb comes first. Then the fruit of everything that’s needed to provide for the children He gives us. And notice what He says here. We see this over and over again. He will do this IN THE LAND, not out of the land. If you’re out of the Land, and doing it your way, you can’t really expect God’s promises. The promises come IN THE LAND, in the Land.

So, here they are. They’re going into this land that God has provided for them. It wasn’t a barren land. It was a fruitful land. Oh, amazing! In fact, God was the first real estate agent. He was the One Who went out and searched out this land.

Ezekiel 20:6: “I lifted up My hand in an oath to them, to bring them out of the land of Egypt into a land that I had searched out for them, flowing with milk and honey, the glory of all lands.”

Now we notice, when we look more into the descriptions of this land, that we see that God speaks about fruitful gardens and fruitful families. Let’s look at some of the Scriptures, shall we? I’m not making all this up. This is all from the word, ladies. Although firstly it’s speaking about the literal land of Israel that the people of Israel went into. Back in that time, when they went into it, it was the most fertile, flourishing land that you could ever dream about. It is starting to come back to that today now that God is bringing His people back there again. But let’s look at a few Scriptures, shall we?


First of all, about “fruitful gardens.” Did you know that God loves fruitfulness? He is a God of fruitfulness. He longs for us to be fruitful in the natural and in the spiritual. Everything in the Word of God is first that which is natural, then that which is spiritual.

We go over to John 15, and we see the spiritual here in John 15:4: “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit.”

Well, before we get to that, I should go back to verse 2, actually. We’ll start at John 15:1: I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit He taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.”

You see here the progression. God wants us to be fruitful, but He says that’s not even enough! “I’ll even prune you so you’ll bring forth more fruit.” Then we go down to verse five, where I was reading. It talks about bringing forth much fruit. In fact, I think He actually says that word, “much fruit” again. If I can just find which verse it is in. But it’s down there in that chapter. Yes, it’s John 15:8: “Herein is My Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit. So shall ye be My disciples.”

We’re going back to the Old Testament. We see fruitfulness in the natural. Here in the New Testament, we see fruitfulness in the spiritual, although I must pop in here. I have had people say to me, “Well, God’s not really interested in people having children today. He’s only interested in our bearing spiritual fruit and bringing people to Jesus. We don’t have to bring them through birth. As long as we bring them into the Kingdom through evangelism.”

Well, that’s a little ridiculous, because if we don’t first bring them in through birth, how will they even be here to evangelize? It’s being fruitful in the natural and fruitful in the spiritual.

OK, let’s get back to these fruitful gardens. We see, in fact, in the very second chapter of Genesis, the very first thing God did after creating the man was, do you know what it was? The first thing was to plant a garden. Can you believe it? People don’t take much notice of gardens today. “Goodness, what do you want a garden for? Just go down to the shop and get everything you want!”

Of course, they couldn’t do that in those days. But maybe it won’t always be like that either. Even now, even when we go down to the shop, even to get our vegetables and our fruits, they are, unless they’re organic, they’ve been sprayed, or they’re GMO’d. Even organic, you look at them sometimes, and they’re all wizened up. You think, “How long have they been sitting there?” It’s absolutely nothing like going out and getting fresh vegetables from your garden.

I guess many of you are aware that they are currently seeking to organize a famine. This country is filled with food, an abundance of food. There’s so much food thrown out. It’s unbelievable. And yet, they are trying to make a famine. They’re trying to bring this country down. I’m sure many of you have heard this. Even Biden himself is saying that this could be happening. Those who are wise, and listening, are preparing foods. They are putting food away. They are preparing their gardens. Gardens may be very important in the future.

But let’s go back to Genesis 2:8: “And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden. There He put the man whom He had formed.” We just read, “And the Lord God planted a garden.” Well, how do you plant a garden? Just say the word and the things appear? No, to plant a garden you have to put your hands in the earth.

I’ve had some ladies say to me, “Ooh, I don’t want to do a garden. I hate getting my hands all there in the dirt. I just don’t even like it.” Well, God liked it! That was the very first thing He did after creating the man! God put His hands into the earth and literally planted the seed. The seed is “planted.” He didn’t just say, although He said “Let there be” for all of creation, now He actually wants to get into the garden! He wants to do creative things, and He actually plants! Yes! We see that happening, right there, in the very beginning.

Let’s look at a few other Scriptures. Isaiah 27:6: “Israel shall blossom and bud and fill the face of the world with fruit.” Yes, Israel again is starting to do that. You get these wonderful Jaffa oranges from Israel. Now they’re even importing their amazing wines from Israel that are growing out there on the West Bank of Israel. Vines that are prophesied. God said that when the people come back to the Land, that they will plant vineyards.

This is what is happening out there on those barren hills of Samaria where there are just stones. There’s hardly anything there. Then you see vineyards! You see all these barren stones, and then next to them, there’s where they’ve planted vineyards, and they’re prolific!

I have been there myself. I have stood on those dirt stones and picked these glorious bunches of fruitful grapes off these vines that are growing out of stones! It’s all miraculous, because God said in Ezekiel 36, He prophesied to those stones, and those barren hills, and those waste places. He said that when His people came back, that they would grow, and they would come forth out of the ground and be fruitful. It’s happening now.

Leviticus 25:19: And the land shall yield her fruit, and ye shall eat your fill, and dwell therein in safety.

Psalm 107:36-38: “He maketh the hungry to dwell, that they may prepare a city for habitation; and sow the fields, and plant vineyards, which may yield fruits of increase. He blesseth them also, so that they are multiplied greatly; and suffereth not their cattle to decrease.”

Jeremiah 2:7: “I brought you into a plentiful country, to eat the fruit thereof and the goodness thereof.” So, we go on. I’m just giving you a few, because, actually, I looked up all the Scriptures about fruitfulness, fruitful vines, and vineyards, and gardens, in the Word of God. Let’s see, I found over 40 Scriptures about this. Don’t worry, ladies, I’m not giving all of them to you.

Just a couple more, because time is going again. Isaiah 65:21: “And they shall build houses and inhabit them. They shall plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them.” It’s amazing how many times God speaks to His people about the mundane. We think it’s mundane, but God sees it as very important. Building houses, planting gardens! That’s one of the most basic things God wants us to do. He’s so interested in your building your home. Or getting your home, however you do it. And planting a garden!

Ezekiel 28:25: Thus saith the Lord God; When I shall have gathered the house of Israel from the people among whom they are scattered, and shall be sanctified in them in the sight of the heathen, then shall they dwell in their land. . . and they shall dwell safely therein and shall build houses and plant vineyards and dwell with confidence.”

We go over to Jeremiah 29:5. The last Scripture was talking about in the land of Israel. This time, this Scripture is talking about when they were taken into captivity, to Babylon, away from their beloved land of Israel! Here they are, captives in a foreign land. And the prophet comes to them, and he says: “Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel.”

In Jeremiah 29:5, what does he say? “Build houses and dwell in them. Plant gardens and eat the fruit of them.” Then he repeats it again, down in verse 28! “Build houses and dwell in them. Plant gardens and eat the fruit of them.”

Did you know that this is all Bible, ladies? Sometimes we think, “Oh, yes, this Christian life. You go to church, and you hear a message about sanctification or faith.” Good subjects, but when do we hear about building houses and planting gardens? There are so many Scriptures about it. And God longs for fruitfulness. He loves fruitful gardens, and He wants us to be fruitful. We will be fruitful when we have fruitful gardens.

But time has gone, so we’ll talk more next week.

“Lord God, I thank You again. We’re always thanking You, Lord, for Your wonderful Word, which is so precious, and so real, and so down to where we live, and how You want us to live. Dear Father, help us not to slide over Your Word, but to take every word.

“Lord, You want us to build houses and live in them. You want us to plant gardens. Yes, this is very close to Your heart because it was the very first thing You did after creating Adam. Lord, help us to take notice of Your ways.

“I pray that You’ll bless all these precious dear wives and mothers today, Lord God. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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