

“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety . . . But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works”
(1 Timothy 2:9, 10).

If you have just read the above Scripture, you may wonder what it is talking about. The King James version uses words that we have never heard of today. They sound as though they come from another world. Well, perhaps they are from a different world in which we are living today. However, don’t get too dismayed. Come with me and let’s find out what they really mean.

I believe the Bible is our guideline for every aspect of life, even for what we wear. This Scripture gives us three guidelines:


This word, kosmios, means to act in an orderly manner and behave well. Did you know that this word is only used one other time in the Bible? This time it refers to the character of a man who aspires to be an elder (1 Timothy 3:2) and is translated “good behavior.” A woman who dresses modestly understands what is right and doesn’t go beyond her conscience.


The word in the King James version is “shamefacedness.” No one uses this word today, so we better find out what it really means. The Greek word is aidos and means “downcast eyes, bashfulness, modesty, reverence.” Help! Does anyone have this attitude today?

One commentary says the word should be translated as “shamefastness.” In other words, we stand fast against bringing any shame or dishonor to God, to our husband, to our womanly nature, or to the people of God. Once again, this word is used only one other time in the Bible where it relates to both men and women. It is found in Hebrews 5:9 where it tells us to “serve God acceptably with reverence (aidos) and godly fear.” This is meant to be the behavior of both men and women.

The context of 1 Timothy 2:9 is in the gathering together of the saints. It’s not talking about the beach or the bedroom. It is talking about meeting with the people of God. We don’t wear clothes to church or a prayer meeting that we would wear to the beach or out hiking. We must wear what is appropriate.

I love the NLT translation: “Wear decent and appropriate clothing.”

The NET says: “suitable apparel” and the ESV says: “respectable apparel.”

God’s Word translation says: “I want women to show their beauty by dressing in appropriate clothes that are modest and respectable.”

And it comes back to us mothers. What are we teaching our children and our young people? What do we let them wear to church? Why do we let them wear jeans (and even those ugly ones with holes in them) to church? I see coming to church in shorts! Help! We are going to the house of God, not the beach! We must show reverence!

Robert Spinney, professor at Patrick Henry College in Virginia says that many men ask the question: “Why can’t we have at least one haven from tight clothing, cleavage, bare shoulders, and short skirts? Why can’t people be sure to dress modestly when they attend church meetings? I expect to be tempted by scandalous clothing when I go to a college campus, but God’s people shouldn’t have to face that kind of temptation at church services. Can’t Christians be more considerate of others?”


The King James Version uses another old word, sobriety. It is the Greek word sophrosune and means:

soundness of mind, self-control, soberness,

habitual self-government with its constant reign on all the passions and desires,

the well-balanced state of mind arising from habitual self-restraint,

safe-and-sound mindedness, and

sensibleness and sound judgment.

A sound godly mind knows that cleavage, bare shoulders, short skirts, and showing too much of the body is not appropriate clothing for public worship or even outside the home.

Let’s walk in the fear of God, serving Him and the body of Christ with reverence. This is how we serve God ACCEPTABLY.


Dear Father, please forgive me for wearing that which is dishonoring to You. You were the first clothes designer and You made clothes to cover the body. You want us to cover our flesh, not to uncover. Please help me to faithful to teach my children how You want them to dress rather than how the world wants them to dress. Amen.”


Each morning I dress my vision is to wear what will bring glory to God.

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