GotToWearItTitus 2:10 exhorts us to “adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.” It’s not enough to read the doctrine. It’s not enough to think about the doctrine. We must put it on like a garment and wear it. One commentary says it means to take precious jewels and arrange them in a way to show their beauty.
The New Living Translation says that when we adorn the doctrine that it “will make the teaching about God our Savior ATTRACTIVE in every way.”
God’s Word translation says that “then they will show the BEAUTY of the teachings about God our Savior in everything they do.”
When you make it your lifestyle to love and serve your husband you show the beauty of God’s teaching. When you embrace childbearing and your divine career to nurture and train your children in the home you once again show to the world God’s beautiful doctrine.
When you live a self-controlled and holy life, even in the midst of challenges and trials, you show forth biblical sound doctrine. Doctrine is something that must been seen and evident in our lives.
The big challenge this chapter reveals is that we either reveal the beauty of the gospel through our lives or we blaspheme the word of God (verse 5). We either attract people to Jesus or repel them through our actions.
We see the same theme in 1 Peter 3 where it tells us that a wife can win her unbelieving husband to the Lord by the manner of her life and without even a word being spoken.
Is your husband wooed to the Lord through your life? Are your children, and especially your older children, persuaded of God’s truth as they see your daily lifestyle?
How often do we do this? This Scripture says, “IN ALL THINGS.” In the little things of life. In the mundane things of life. In the difficult and trying times of life. When in your flesh you would rather “fly off the handle” but because “Christ is in you” you yield to His life instead of your flesh.
Let’s be those who reveal His beauty in our homes—to our husband and to our children.
“Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me,
All his wonderful passion and purity,
O thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine,
Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.”
Enjoy a blessed day in your home,

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