ThoughtsYoungMomWe are a young family, with three little ones (3, 2, and 9 months) and another precious little one on the way. My husband and I feel strongly about having the Living Word daily in our children's lives. This is a very busy season, and difficult at times, but the Lord is gracious.
Isaiah 40:11 tells us God gently leads those with young. I love this verse. It gives us such comfort! We pray for a large family and to keep growing in the Lord. In 2023 it seems many people have lost their way. It saddens my heart to see young people not wanting to live a biblical life.
I was born again at age 24 and gave my life over to Jesus! Shortly after that I got married to the love of my life. As a wife and mother I feel so full and rich! I was raised in a "Christian" home, but we never read the Bible or prayed together, which is the case in many families today. They call themselves Christians but never have time for Him in any area of their life.
There is true freedom in giving your life to Jesus and living our roles as husband and wife. It is the most beautiful thing on this earth. My prayer for married couples and families today is for fathers to be courageous and take charge of their families and be the provider and spiritual leader of their wife and children.
Mothers need to come home and love their husbands, love homemaking, love their children, and must add, to see their worth in Jesus and dress more modestly. What is so wrong with a pretty skirt or dress? They would look so feminine, and it glorifies the Lord! Husbands love it too.
About three years ago I decided to throw out all my pants and replace my whole wardrobe (thrift store finds) with skirts and dresses. I don't want to look like everyone else or fit in with a trend. I want to exalt Jesus!
He has truly blessed me on this journey. Training our children and disciplining them is a very big deal too. My sons are young, but I can see how unruly children can be without direction. It takes all our effort and mental capacity at times, but the Lord wants us to do it. He commands us to do it in His word (Proverbs 22:6).
In a time where everyone is addicted to social media, we have been off it for years now and that is a blessing also.
I believe that social media is ruining our society. Young people have so much pressure to look like everyone else and be glued to their phones. Mothers also need to set their phones down. I barely have time to call my husband during the day, let alone sift through countless YouTube videos. I know there are some good skills to learn from YouTube, but it is so destructive and causes discontentment in young mothers. Let's take a stand against what the world is trying to turn godly families into (Revelation 18:4).
My husband and I want to raise our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, learning lost skills and building character along the way. My husband has a humble job, a pizza delivery driver, and we live in a very small town in Wisconsin in an inexpensive but lovely home. This allows my husband to be home with his family and to pour into his children more.
We read the Bible with them daily and my sweet three-year-old son has already memorized more scripture than I ever have. We are memorizing together. It is so wonderful for all of us to be hiding the Word in our hearts together (Psalm 119:11). He is instilling these desires in our hearts.
Even in these deceiving times we can live out our convictions! He is WORTHY to be praised and honored with our daily lives. Holiness is a big deal to the Lord, and we have lost sight of that concept. We desperately need godliness and holiness back in family life. We have become way too relaxed in our culture and it's a shame. I am saying this from a young mother who is still learning every day. I need Jesus more and more every day to guide me into the truth.
I love this verse in Jeremiah 9:24: "But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.”
Adams, Wisconsin, USA
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Bart and Jaela have three sons, Johnse (3), Matthew (2), Samuel (9 months) and new baby on the way.

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