MuchMoreDid you know that feeding is more than food? Yes, that’s huge, but there’s even more. And yes, I’m still sharing a little more of God’s heart about this subject. And I certainly won’t exhaust it in this post either.

Do you remember when Jesus went down to Lake Galilee to find His disciples after He had risen from the dead? Yes, He knew where He’d find them. They were out fishing again. He cooked a lovely breakfast for them on the shore and them called them into eat. Hang on a minute? Who was cooking breakfast? Jesus! The One who had risen from the dead, conquered death and hell! And what is He doing?

You’ve got it right. He’s cooking! And you thought cooking was a little too insignificant for you? But Jesus knew that cooking precedes important things. He wanted to give a special word to Peter and so He prepared him a meal first. “When they had dined” He spoke to him (John 21:15).

Three times Jesus asked Peter to feed His lambs and His sheep. Two times He used a word that means “to feed.” But one time He used are far more encompassing word. It’s the word “poimaino” and means to feed and tend as a shepherd (John 21:15-17). What is involved in a shepherd feeding and caring for his sheep?

Let’s look at the fulness of the word: Apart from feeding, it means to bind up the hurting and broken, to carry close to your heart, to comfort, to encourage, to defuse fears, to gather in your arms, to guide, to keep safe, to nourish, to lead to green and lush pastures, to prepare a table, to provide, to (renewing, reviving, and refreshing), to sacrifice and lay down your life for your little flock, to strengthen, and to tenderly fold your flock.

Jesus wanted His newborn lambs and sheep in the flock to be fully tended and fed. It is part of His nature. We see this picture in Isaiah 40:11: “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.”

This is also the motherhood anointing. Shepherding is not a part time job. It is a lifestyle. We sacrifice our lives to tend to our little lambs and our big sheep. In fact, we never stop feeding. It should be our continual lifestyle even as our children grow and begin their own families.

Jesus never stops feeding. Even in eternity He continues to feed us. Don’t you love these words? “For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall FEED them (poimaino – the same word that speaks of the fullness of shepherding), and shall lead them into living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.”

One more thought for today. Acts 20:11 tells us that “When Paul had broken bread, and eaten, and talked a long while, even till break of day, so he departed.” Do you notice how talking goes with eating? Feeding our families is eating and talking together, eating and teaching, eating and laughing, eating and fellowshipping, eating and opening up the Scriptures. It all happens at meal times.

What are you planning for your evening meal this evening? Not just the food. What are you planning to talk about? What vision do you have as you bring your family together this evening?

Love from Nancy Campbell

Painting: The Maternal Kiss by Mary Cassatt
You can enjoy more paintings by Mary Cassatt at this link:…/i-love-mary-cassatt-paintings/


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