PowerfulWeaponDo we really believe in the power of God’s Word? I’m sure that if we truly understood its power to work in our lives that we would read it a lot more. We would read it to our families far more. We would make it a priority to fill our children’s minds, hearts, and mouths with God’s powerful words.

I am constantly amazed at how little young people from Christian homes know of God’s Word. They are very unfamiliar with it. They cannot even repeat well-known Scriptures. What’s the story? Haven’t their parents understood the most powerful tool they have at their fingertips to train their children and prepare them for life? And yes, we have it at our fingertips. I think of thousands of believers who are being persecuted because they value God’s Word so much, and yet we cast it aside.

Let’s read again Hebrews 4:12 in the Amplified Version. It really tells us like it is: “For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power - making it active, operative, energizing and effective; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and (the immortal) spirit, and of joints and marrow (that is, of the deepest parts of our nature) exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.”

If we, are our children, are not filled with God’s Words which sift, analyze, and judge every thought and purpose of our hearts, we can easily be deceived. It is only God’s Word that enables us to see through deception. And it breaks my heart to see so many Christians (or who say they are Christians) deceived. We see it even with the coming elections. We see evangelicals deceived by hype and “good things” candidates say, and yet not checking out their testimony and seeing through to their hearts and who they really are.

God’s Word divides between the soul and the spirit. This Scripture also uses the illustration of joints and marrow. Have you ever sucked marrow out of the bone? It’s one of my favorite parts of the meat. One writer explains it: “It’s like dividing joints and marrow. Joints are the thick, hard outer part of the bone. Marrow is the soft, tender, living inner part of the bone. That is an analogy of “soul and spirit.” The Word of God is like a sword that is sharp enough to cut right through the outer, hard, tough part of a bone to the inner, soft living part of the bone. Some swords, less sharp, may strike a bone and glance off and not penetrate. Some swords may penetrate partway through the tough, thick joint of a bone. But a very sharp, powerful double-edged sword (sharp on each side of the point) will penetrate the joint all the way to the marrow.” From

This is the power of the living and effective Word of God. It’s the only thing that can expose deception! Because deception is so subtle we often don’t know we are deceived!

Come on, mothers. Let’s take hold of the most powerful tool we have in our homes--God’s living Word. Let’s feed on it. When I wake in the morning I am desperate for God’s Word. I’ve got to get it to feed my spirit. Give good meals of God’s Word to your children each day, at least every morning and evening at your family devotions. Don’t starve their spirits. Raise them to be discerners of good and evil through the power of the Word.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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