JesusLovesTableDo you remember when Jesus walked with the two disciples on the way to Emmaus? The two disciples were totally dejected and disheartened because the One who they thought would save them from the Romans was dead! But Jesus came along and began to speak to them from the Scriptures “the things concerning himself.” Oh how their hearts rejoiced and “burned within them” as He spoke to them.

But they still didn’t know it was Jesus. They came to Emmaus and although Jesus would have walked on, they begged him to come and eat with him. Then what happened? It was as they SAT AT THE TABLE and Jesus broke the bread, blessed it and gave it to them, that THEIR EYES WERE OPENED! Now, this was not communion. This was a daily Israeli meal where they broke the flat bread and dipped in their dishes to eat.

The amazing thing we see here is that it was when they were sitting together at the table that their eyes were opened. Did you know, dear ladies, that the table is a place of revelation? God loves to come and sit at our tables with us each day. He wants to be present. And He wants to bring understanding and revelation of Himself.

The table is not only a place to feed the body, but to feed the soul and the spirit. God comes to feed our spirit and open our eyes to Him and all that He wants to tell us. I believe the table is the most powerful place in our home.

But what happens instead? Do you think the devil wants us to come together as families? Do you think he wants us to strengthen our family ties as we eat and fellowship together? And do you think He wants our children to feel the presence of God at our tables as fathers read from God’s Word and we pray together? No. The devil knows the power of the table, the power of God’s Word, and the power of praying families. He will do everything in his power to keep you from these daily sacred moments.

He won’t use bad things. He knows he could never tempt you that way. He just gets you busy. He gets your children involved in all the curricular activities that take you away from the family meal table and the opportunity for God to visit with you and speak to you and your children.

Dear mother. Take a stand. Rise up against everything that would hinder this time with your family. Make it happen. Put aside anything and everything that interferes with this time.

You are the one that can make it happen in your home.

Love and blessings from Nancy Campbell

P.S. Read the story in Luke 24:1-35.



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Phone : 931-729-9861
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