Dear mother, you are not insignificant. You have great power and influence as a mother in your home. You may be hidden away but you are wielding a mighty power. You are training the next generation. You will ultimately determine the destiny of the nation. The children who come forth from the homes of mothers will determine whether it will be a godly or ungodly nation.
Rise up into your calling dear mother. This is an hour for courageous mothers. We must be mothers who know the truth and impart it to your children. We must be mothers who are not deceived by the fears and paranoia that comes through the fake media. We must be mothers who will not give into the tyranny that we are being subjected to.
It’s time to rise up on the behalf of our nation. I think of Deborah. How did she arise to save her nation? She arose as a MOTHER! In Deborah’s day they had been under the servitude Jabin, the Canaanite king for 20 years! The people were under such fear that they avoided the main roads, and few were left in the villages until . . . “until I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel” (Judges 5:7).
We are currently entering the time Purim that we read about in the book of Esther. Haman, the enemy, planned to destroy every Jew in the kingdom, but we know how Esther, who had been chosen to be the new queen, rose up to speak for her people. She was most probably only a teenager, but she overcame her fear and trembling with bravery and courage.
“If I perish, I perish,” she cried as she took her stand.
I believe it is time for courageous mothers.
It’s time to rise up in the anointing and authority that God has given to us
to embrace our calling of motherhood and raise godly sons and daughters.
It’s time to rise up with courage to stand against tyranny and live in the
freedom that God and our Constitution gives to us.
It’s time to rise up and take back the freedoms that are being stolen from us.
It’s time to rise up and shine the light of God’s truth in the midst of darkness and deception.
It’s time to rise up into the throne room of God to intercede for our families and our nation.
It’s time to rise up with boldness and courage to resist the onslaughts of the enemy.
It’s time to rise up in victory with the overcoming power of God that is given to us as children of God.
It’s time to rise up and turn away from listening to the fake media and listen instead to God’s infallible word.
It’s time to rise up against all fears and paranoia and live in the truth that sets us free.
It’s time to rise up and turn away from mediocrity, luke-warmness, fearfulness, sub-zero Christianity, and live the abundant life Jesus came to give us.
We don’t want to be spineless mothers, do we? Become the strong backbone of your home. Build a strong marriage and family. Pound your stakes deep. Gather your family daily to your table. Fill them with God’s word. Eliminate all fears in the name of Jesus. Stand up boldly for truth. Raise sons and daughters who will stand strong against the deceptions of this hour.
Are you ready for the challenge?
Rise up today,
Nancy Campbell

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PO Box 681687
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Phone : 931-729-9861
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