BreastChestThe liberals don’t only want to get rid of the word “mother.” They don’t like the word “breastfeeding.” Why can’t they embrace the creation of the female? It is not only sad but scary that so many people are so deceived by the transgender propaganda that they want to eliminate anything that reveals the true characteristics of male or female.
There is now a movement in progressive circles in certain hospitals in England to refer to “breastfeeding” as “chestfeeding.” Have you ever heard of anything so preposterous? Are they scared of the female anatomy?
I will not give in to such ridiculous nonsense. Men have chests and women have breasts. And they were given to us by divine creation. The Bible speaks of the “blessings of the breasts, and of the womb” (Genesis 49:25). And please notice that the word is not a singular blessing, but plural blessings! God gives multiple blessings to the baby and the mother when during breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is God’s plan. One of God’s names reveals Him as the Breasted One, the nurturing, comforting, and protecting God, the One who pours out His love and mercy to us. God is called Almighty, and the Hebrew is “El Shaddai.” The root word of Shaddai is literally “the breast.” The fulness of this word is the “God who is Enough.” Just as the breast is enough to physically and emotionally minister to our baby’s needs, so God is Enough to minister to our needs.
God give physical breasts to women to feed and nourish life. But He also puts this maternal anointing in each of His female creation to nurture, feed, and protect. It is inherently within every female.
Although every female is born with this nurturing anointing, we receive a double portion when we are breastfeeding. God gives the hormones of oxytocin and prolactin to the nursing mother which release even greater motherly hormones to her. The more she nurses her baby, the more motherly she becomes.
I’ll tell you more about these hormones in my next post.
In the midst of a pro-transgender society, we will embrace the nursing breasts of the female.
Standing for the roles of male and female,
Nancy Campbell

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