LordBannerWe read an amazing description of the bride of Christ in Song of songs 6:10: “Who is this that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, TERRIBLE AS AN ARMY WITH BANNERS.”
This is not the picture we would equate with a bride, is it? But this is how God sees His church, the bride of Christ—and of the wife of a husband in the home.
This is a picture of an army marching to battle with their banners lifted high. They are not retreating. They are on the attack. They are a scary sight as they push back the enemy.
Let’s look at some other translations:
HCSB: “awe-inspiring as an army with banners.”
CJB: “formidable as an army marching under banners.”
ESV: “awesome as an army with banners.”
Banners are a sign of victory. They reveal what we believe and what we stand for. God is a banner holder. One of His salvation names is Jehovah-Nissi, The Lord is my banner (Exodus 17:15).
He wants us to hold up our banners too. Yes, we as wives and mothers in our homes must be banner holders. We hold up the banner of God’s truth in our homes. Holding it high. Never letting our banners fall to the ground. We are the transmitters of God’s truth to our children and this generation.
One of my favorite Scriptures is Psalm 60:4: “Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be DISPLAYED because of the truth.”
Are you holding the banner of truth high mothers? This takes purpose, tenacity and strength. Never let the enemy grab your banner, carrying it off, and laughing in your face. Keep standing strong in this evil day and “having done all, stand” with your banner lifted high.
You are the protector of your home front. You are not cowardly hiding from the enemy. You are waving your banners high. You will not allow the enemy to come against your marriage, to woo your children from the truth, or to enter your home. The only way you see the enemy is a foe to be utterly defeated and routed.
Psalm 20:5: “In the name of our God, we will set up our banners.”
Psalm 84:16: “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?”
Let’s be banner waving mothers . . .
Holding up the banner of truth against all deception.
Holding up the banner of love against all bitterness and hate.
Holding up the banner of righteousness against all evil.
Holding up the banner of purity against all immorality and uncleanness.
Holding up the banner of unity against all dissension and strife.
Holding up the banner of contentment against all discontentment.
Holding up the banner of faithfulness against all faithlessness.
Holing up the manner of motherhood against all counterfeits of Satan.
Are you flying the banners of the Lord from your home?
Love from Nancy Campbell

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