HeartTest1Acts 13:22: "I have found David the son of Jesse, a man AFTER MINE OWN HEART, WHICH SHALL FULFILL ALL MY WILL." A man after God's own heart who will pass the test to be a father/leader must be a man who surrenders his own will to do the will of His heavenly Father. Whatever God wants to accomplish in and through his life is now his all consuming passion. Speaking of Jesus, John 2:17 says, "The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up."

King Saul failed the test of surrendering his own will, resulting in disobedience, which in turn cost him his kingly dynasty. Men, obedience to the will of God is paramount to our family leadership, and all types of leadership.

Jesus Christ was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). The lamb is the symbol of submission, meekness, and innocence. Christ Jesus was obedient in all things. He became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross (Philippians 2:6-8).

Jesus Christ took all the sin of our disobedience to the cross in order that we, through application of His cross to our lives, would be able to live in victory over all disobedience on a daily basis. Without this application of the cross of Christ to our lives we will be like Saul, disobedient and unworthy to reign as fathers or in any other form of leadership.

I believe the main difference between King Saul and King David was disobedience versus obedience. Although David sinned terribly with Bathsheba, he was quick to humble himself, repent, and confess his sin before God. He begged God to not take away His Holy Spirit from him as He had done to the unrepentant Saul (Psalm 51).

Men, we will never be the leading fathers God has called us to be without fully accepting the cross of Christ to put to death our own disobedience. We men must learn what it is to walk a crucified life so that we can, by example, teach our families the true Christian faith. I say this for I believe much of what we call Christianity these days has no application of Christ's cross canceling out our own will so that we will do His will.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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