SwordSharpMen, we don’t have to wait for the millennial reign of Christ to win our battles over our enemies. Our time on earth, right now, is serious training and preparation for the future. It includes sharpening up our spiritual edges in order to afflict major damage upon all that opposes the kingdom of righteousness.

We have battles to be won right now, but only those who are sharp will win them.

God wants us to become sharper as the days go by so that by the time our life on earth ends we will be sharper than ever. I don’t see any reason why the last days of our lives here on earth should not be the sharpest days of all.

We must never see the trials of life as an annoyance, but rather welcome them as a means to sharpen our swords and weapons of war. As God’s men, we should not long for days of ease where all is bliss and there is no stress and challenge. Instead, we should change our entire attitude and welcome anything that could possibly sharpen us up more in order to afflict greater causalities upon Christ’s enemies.

I think this is a reason why some of God’s people do not welcome larger families. They do not want to face trials, difficult challenges, or trust God beyond their financial resources, which are all part of parenting children. Consequently, we ourselves lose character as we refuse the trials of building character in our children.

Refusing to build families because of extra work and involvement causes us to become blunt in character. Our western nations are becoming increasingly dumbed down, dependent upon government provision, and consequently characterless.

Right now, we need a revival of character building. This requires a sharpening up mentality. Sharp swords are deadly weapons in dealing with enemies.

We must understand that our worst enemies are not physical ones. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 says: “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

The strongholds of unbelief, all forms of pride, negative attitudes towards accepting responsibility, hard work, raising children, resisting the entitlement mentality, refusing to take a strong stand against lust, homosexuality, abortion, pornography, and all fornications are our worst enemies.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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