ResistResignJames 4:7: “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

We need to ask ourselves the following questions:

Are any of God’s enemies being scattered because of my life?
Am I a threat to any of God’s enemies?
What am I doing right now that causes God’s enemies to be intimidated by me?
Do God’s enemies want to flee from me?
Does the devil have a problem with my life?
Is the devil’s kingdom being shaken up because of my life?

If not, why not?

One thing for sure, cruising, complacent, casual Christians are no real threat to the powers of darkness. Just as there are RINOs (Republicans in name only) in the Republican party, so there are many CHRINOs (Christians in name only) in the Christian camp.

As I listen to some of the conservative talk show hosts, who may not be truly born again, I can’t help but feel that they are more of a threat to the powers of evil than many born again Christians. Many of these hosts are engaging the enemies of righteousness head on. They are not afraid to get into the battle.

Are we going to resist or resign?

James 4;7: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” This Scripture teaches us that if we resist, the devil will flee. The word “flee” is very simple. It’s much the same as “scatter.”

Every Christian should be an active and daily resister of the devil.

Do the words “Resist the devil” have any place in our modern church mindset? The church is meant to be militant. Jesus came to “destroy the works of the devil” and He wants to do this through His people.

To resign means to give up a job or position or give back a commission. However, God’s arrows scatter God’s enemies wherever they find them. We do not resign our commission to resist the devil whenever we discover his evil doings.

If we resign, the devil will run us over and defeat us.

We resist the devil by praying and proclaiming. The Bible instructs us that after we have put on the armor of God to “Pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.”

Effective arrows resist the devil so that he will flee and scatter.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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