CitiesNeedGodProverbs 29:2: “When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”

I heard that the two black American celebrities, Diamond and Silk, were featuring in a movie called DUMMYCRATS. It was only a one-night showing so I thought it would be interesting to see what they had to say. I was not disappointed. They are hilarious in their very original black style and presentation.

The theater was full, and the audience very involved with lots of clapping and voices expressing agreement.

Diamond and Silk took us to areas of Democrat Maxine Waters’ electorate. It is the district centered in South Los Angeles County and includes portions of the Los Angeles, Carson, and Torrance. We saw enormous crowds of US citizens camping out on the streets while illegal immigrants are well provided for by the liberal government.

The movie also highlighted areas of San Francisco where hordes of people sleep on the streets, and even poop on the streets. Diamond and Silk had to step around the filth. We saw one young man drop his clothes and excrete human feces right on the foot path in front of everyone. This is creating a serious health hazard. This is Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi’s city.

These two liberal leaders would not accept interviews to discuss these deplorable and obscene problems. San Francisco is a sanctuary city that is a haven for all types of illegal aliens, including the most dangerous types.

Both these cities are gateway cities to the West Coast of America! What a standard for our great nation. This democrat leadership is turning these gateway cities, where many tourists come to visit this country, into animal stock yards. All decency of human, moral behavior is trampled underfoot by so-called progressive, socialist agendaites who have lost all decency of righteous behavior.

They do not want a wall to keep illegals out, but their own mansions are guarded by walls. What hypocrisy.

They show compassion to illegals to get their votes, but they show no compassion towards their own fellow citizens. These democrats only want power so that they themselves can live in luxury

Thank God that black Americans are starting to wake up.

For the righteous to rule, someone must bring righteous children to birth and raise them in the ways of righteousness. It is high time for Christian America to wake up and raise the children God wants us to raise. This is the only way we can fill our government with righteous leaders. It is the only way our cities will be able to rejoice in all the goodness and blessings that flow from our Father in Heaven who is the God of all righteousness.

A famous black singer, Andre Crouch, wrote and sung a song entitled, Jesus is the Answer:

Jesus is the answer for the world today
Above Him there’s no other, Jesus is the way.

Proverbs 14:34: “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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