ChallengeIt’s so easy to get involved in so many activities outside the home, isn’t it? We can even get entrenched serving in the church. This is just what Satan loves to do. He wants us to become so busy doing “good” things that we end up neglecting our greatest service to the Lord, that of caring for our children and managing our home. What’s the use of helping others outside the home if your own home is in a shambles?

I am always challenged by the words in Song of Solomon 1:6: “They made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.” Ouch!

If we spend more time looking after other vineyards rather than diligently keeping our own vineyard, we do not please God. Dear mother, your greatest service for God is right in your home. Tend to your own vineyard and make sure it is watered, cultivated, and protected before reaching out to other vineyards!

Do you notice something else in this Scripture? “They made me . . .”? How easy it is to let others cajole us into doing things, even “noble” things. Let me tell you a little secret. The Holy Spirit doesn’t “make” you do things. He gently woos you to walk in God’s perfect will. If you are blessed with children, God’s perfect will for you is to be the best mother and homemaker you can possibly be to bless your family and glorify God.

Don’t get into the deception of working in other vineyards while you leave your own vineyard unattended.

Enjoy a beautiful day in your home today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: “Tenderness” by Cécile Veilhan


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