DontBeDupedIsaiah 28:5, 6 says: “In that day shall the LORD of hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, unto the residue of his people, And for a spirit of judgment to him that sitteth in judgment, and for strength to them that turn the battle to the gate.”

Washington DC is the gateway of this nation. We must fervently pray for the coming president to be a truly godly man, not just one who says he is a Christian. Jesus said in Matthew 7:16: “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”

Because Donald Trump is doing so well in the primaries, there is now a great concern, to the point of a great divide among the Republican establishment. Many may think this is a good thing because the GOP needs to be shaken up. This of course if true. However, because of Trump’s past record, he proves himself to be more a liberal democrat than a conservative republican. He most definitely is not a conservative. Check the following:

1. Many fear that he will turn Obama Care into a single payer system wholly supported by the government. This of course is what Obama wanted in the first place.

2. Many fear that he will support Planned Parenthood because he constantly tells the public that they do “Many wonderful things for women.” But they are the biggest abortion provider in the country and even sell body parts of unborn children.

3. Many fear his foreign policy. It is one of great concern because he originally supported the Iraq policy of George W. Bush, but as the war dragged on, he took the side of the democrats and denounced it.

He professes to have a neutral stand on the Palestinian/Israel conflict. This is a dangerous stand for the protection of Israel.

4. Many fear his stand on the right to bear arms.

5. Many fear his proud stand for the gay/homosexual agenda.

6. Many fear that although he makes great boasts about building the wall between Mexico and USA, there is now a big question as to whether he will keep his word about sending illegals back home. Although this has been his big campaign speech, there are now rumors of a change of mind.

7. Many fear and have great concern as to who he would nominate to the Supreme Court to replace Judge Antonin Scalia. Since Trump himself is not a conservative and is weak on abortion, Planned Parenthood, and same sex marriage, will this affect his own judgment in this huge matter?

8. Many fear that if Donald Trump gets the nomination that many, many republicans will not vote in the final election. I am hearing more and more conservatives who say they will not vote in the final elections if Donald Trump is the nominee as he is far from a conservative. Therefore, sad to say, that would give Hilary Clinton the presidency. I myself could not in good conscience cast a vote for Donald Trump.

Although Trump is a successful business man and showman, is he any better than George Soros or Warren Buffet or a lot of the wealthy elites in the democratic party? Why is it that so many democrats are voting for Trump? Is it not because they know he is one of them at heart?

God can still turn the battle at the gate. We must pray more fervently than ever. Christians should vote according to the past fruit of a man, not only by what he says now.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

A few extra links for you to read: ( a well-researched article). about Jerry Falwell Jr.…/hc-dear-donald-trump-20160217-stor……/christians-cringe-at-donald-…


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