

Part 1

“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you,
that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain”
(John 15:15).

Dear mother, do you understand the power of your calling as a mother? You were ordained, designed, and designated for this great career.

Let’s seek further understanding:


It’s not hard to understand when we observe our female body that it was created for the ultimate purpose of motherhood. And yet isn’t it amazing that many women spurn the way they were created? God created us physically with a womb where we have the privilege to conceive and grow a baby. We have breasts to nurture and feed the baby.

However, are not only physically created for the job, but innately. We are inherently born with a nurturing heart. It is part of every female, even those who refuse children. If they don’t have children, they’ll have pets, because in is instinctive to nurture. It is part of being a woman.

We have been created with perfect design (Deuteronomy 32;4; Psalm 18;30; and Job 37:16). Because God chose to create us female, the most obvious thing in the world is to embrace our womanhood and femininity with our whole being.

I often think how sad it is for someone to go through life and not fulfill the plan God has for them. It is basic understanding that if God created us female, it is as a female we will fulfill the destiny God has planned for us before the foundation of the world. Therefore, let’s acknowledge and live out our womanhood and motherhood. This is how we will glorify the God who created us. We either help to dampen the image of God or reveal the image of God.

Isaiah 45:9-12 (NET) says: “One who argues with his creator is in grave danger . . . The clay should not say to the potter, ‘What in the world are you doing? Your work lacks skill.’ Danger awaits one who says to his father, ‘What in the world are you fathering?’ and to his mother, ‘What in the world are you bringing forth?’ This is what the LORD says, the Holy One of Israel, the one who formed him, concerning things to come: ‘How dare you question me about my children! How dare you tell me what to do with the work of my own hands! I made the earth, I created the people who live on it.’”

Also read these powerful Scriptures: Psalm 100:3; 111:1-8; 119:73; 139:14; Isaiah 10:15; 29:16; 64:8; and Revelation 4:11.


Dear mother, the career of motherhood is specifically and uniquely for you as a female. God did not give the career of motherhood to men. He has a different role for them. He wants them to rise in their fatherhood anointing. To father their children, not mother them. I hope you understand that there is a difference in fathering to mothering. That’s why children need a father and a mother. They receive different blessings, affirmations, and parenting from each parent. It’s not the same! I minister to my children far differently from my husband. But our children need us both.

You are the only one who can truly mother your children. It is unique to YOU. Don’t for a minute give in to this genderless society. Genesis 3:20 says: “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve (life-giver); because she was the MOTHER of all living.” At this stage Adam had never seen a mother, so what was he talking about? He spoke under the inspiration of God. God called Eve, the mother, not Adam the male.

When Jesus answered the Pharisees in Matthew 19:4 he stated: “Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made the male and female.” The word He used for “female” was the description of a “suckling mother.” A man is not a suckling mother. It is the female!

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


“Dear Father, I thank you so much that You purposely, eternally, and uniquely chose me to reveal Your nurturing heart to the world and to be the mother of my children. Please help me to glorify Your wonderful name as I embrace my mothering as a female. Amen.”


I am ordained for the ministry of mothering as much as any person is ordained to be the minister of a church!

P.S. A very important message coming to you next week when I send you Part 2.

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