Have friends or family been talking about you? Have they said things that hurt you deeply? What is your response? Are you harboring hurt, unforgiveness, or even bitterness?
Or, perhaps you are full of fear as you face a current crisis. Once again, what is your response? Are you turning your heart to God?
David experienced these very things you may be experiencing. In fact, his enemies wanted to kill him!
What was his response? "But, I trusted in thee, O Lord, I said, THOU ART MY GOD" (Psalm 312:13-14). Can I encourage you, dear mother, to take your eyes off your circumstances, stop dwelling on them, and instead look to God. He is bigger than anything you are facing. He is in control of your life. You can trust Him.
Change your confession. Confess out loud, "Oh God, I do trust you. I thank you that you are my God." All throughout this day, confess out loud, "YOU ARE MY GOD."
Your situation may not change, but you will be amazed at the change in the attitude of your heart.
Love from Nancy
Or, perhaps you are full of fear as you face a current crisis. Once again, what is your response? Are you turning your heart to God?
David experienced these very things you may be experiencing. In fact, his enemies wanted to kill him!
What was his response? "But, I trusted in thee, O Lord, I said, THOU ART MY GOD" (Psalm 312:13-14). Can I encourage you, dear mother, to take your eyes off your circumstances, stop dwelling on them, and instead look to God. He is bigger than anything you are facing. He is in control of your life. You can trust Him.
Change your confession. Confess out loud, "Oh God, I do trust you. I thank you that you are my God." All throughout this day, confess out loud, "YOU ARE MY GOD."
Your situation may not change, but you will be amazed at the change in the attitude of your heart.
Love from Nancy
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