Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


EnjoyWorkDo you have lots of work to do today. I do too.

Ecclesiastes 3:13 says: "That everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil--this is God's gift to man." Maybe you have a big pile of laundry that must get done. Instead of sighing about it, take pleasure in it! Sing while you organize it. Gather some of the children and teach them how you do it.

You've got to clean a certain room. Enjoy doing it. Praise the Lord for the joy of accomplishing another task. This is the joy of work. God gives work to us as a gift. When we work hard physically, we enjoy a good night's rest. As we work, we get creative ideas on how to do things better or create something new altogether. New inventions and creations always come out of work. We revel in the joy of completing a task.

Your mothering is your greatest work. What a blessed work. It is a good work. It is the work the Lord has given you. Rejoice and take pleasure in it today.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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RodMotherhoodAs Moses wielded his humble rod before Pharaoh, he received resistance, ridicule, and rejection. However, in the midst of this mockery and derision, he wrought mighty miracles--some of the most outstanding miracles the world has ever seen.

As you embrace motherhood and the precious children God is giving to you and stay home to homeschool them, you often receive resistance and ridicule too.

Be encouraged. Your rod of motherhood may seem insignificant to you, but it produces great miracles. The career of motherhood is full of miracles. Every child God gives to you is a divine miracle. There never has been another child like your child in the history of the world, and there will never be another one like him or her again. Your child is a unique miracle, divinely created by the hand of God for specific purpose that none other will ever do.

Every day God gives you miracles of His wisdom, guidance, and protection as you mother your children. You may not even be aware of all the times God compassionately sends His ministering angels to save your children from disaster. I acknowledge that my children and grandchildren are only alive by the miraculous protection of God.

You have not yet seen all the great things God is going to do through your children to bring salvation to people and to reveal God's image in the earth. Often we have to take our head out of the sand to see the miracles. Don't miss them. Thank God for them.

Take hold of your rod of motherhood--your humble but miraculous rod! Don't run from it. Embrace it. Wield it for the glory of God as you impact this earth and the eternal world. Amen!

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Leaving-a-LegacyWhat an amazing privilege, and yet enormous responsibility we have to prepare our children for their destiny. Ultimately, it is the moving of the Holy Spirit in their lives that brings this to pass. However, God has chosen us as parents to be His vessels to teach, train, pray, and prepare their hearts for God's service. We are not parents for a joke! We are not parents just to have the name of mother or father. God has chosen us for a job. A massive undertaking. A divine mission.

It's not enough to diligently teach and train our children. We live our God-fearing, God-loving, daily God-experiencing lives before them. More than anything else, they will emulate our lifestyle.

Why did God choose Timothy to be a vessel to impact many lives? Of course, we know that Paul chose him, but God was behind that choice. We find the reason in 2 Timothy 1:5, 6 (ESV) when Paul writes to Timothy: "I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well."

Timothy grew up seeing faith first hand. Yes, his mother and grandmother taught him the holy Scriptures from the time he was a babe (2 Timothy 3:14, 15), but he also saw it revealed in their lives. It wasn't a faith that was only in their head. It DWELT in them and therefore affected every word and deed of their lives.

The New Living Translation says, "the faith that first FILLED your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice." He couldn't help but notice it as it filled their lives. Do your children see your faith FILLING you and overflowing into everything you say and do? This is what will impact their lives more than anything else. And think of how many lives they reached for Christ through Timothy.

Are you raising children ready for God to use? God cannot use everyone. Only those who are trained and ready! What a God-anointed task we have as mothers.

Blessings to you today, Nancy Campbell

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ApprovedA confession. Did you know I am still working on a degree? Actually, I have been working on it for years, since I was about 18 years, and I still haven't got to the end.

I'm not sure whether you are familiar with this degree or not. It's the A.U.G. It's a biblical degree and found in 2 Timothy 2:15: "STUDY to show thyself Approved Unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." I need to work on it daily. It is my greatest desire to be Approved Unto God and one day receive my A.U.G.

It's not enough to have a casual understanding of the Bible and what God says to us. We must dig in. We must study. We must learn to rightly divide the Word. This takes being a Berean. The Bereans didn't gullibly receive everything they heard. They "searched the Scriptures daily" to check out if the things Paul was saying to them were true (Acts 17:11).

You may have other degrees, or you may not have any--it doesn't really matter. What matters is that mothers have a degree in correctly teaching God's truth to their children. We can't give a cloudy message. We can't be duped by a humanistic worldview. We can't tell them what we think God says. We must know what God says so that we pass onto our children a biblical worldview. We must give a "certain sound" (1 Corinthians 14:8).

The word "searched" is "anakrino" and means "to scrutinize, investigate, interrogate, question, discern, examine, and judge." That's more than a casual knowledge, isn't it?

This degree is worth working on.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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bereansThis is a big question in this time when the religion of tolerance is becoming more and more prevalent. I find that whenever I post anything on an issue of morality and standing up for God's righteousness that I immediately receive comments of "Don't judge." Most people know the Scripture, "Judge not, that ye be not judged." However, I wonder if they are aware that there are many other Scriptures on this subject in God's Word. In fact, God's Word is filled with this subject from beginning to end.

I have a Berean spirit. Do you remember the Bereans in Acts 17:11? They searched the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul was preaching was correct. When I want to find out what God is saying on a subject, I don't rely on one verse. I search the whole Bible. God's truth on any subject is what He says about it from Genesis to Revelation.

Therefore, in the last few months I have been searching on this subject and would like to share with you a little more of God says. This little treatise is 20 pages. I know you won't have time to read it all at once, so I will share with you a couple of pages each day.

To read the whole treatise, go to this link: http://tinyurl.com/PermissionToJudge You may want to print it out so you have it on hand to refer to. When you have more time, you can look up all the Scriptures.

Blessings to you from Nancy Campbell

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MoveHolySpiritEvery morning my husband and I pray that God will pour out His Spirit upon our children, our children's children, and future generations. We all seek to be diligent parents, but ultimately it is only the moving of the Holy Spirit upon our children's lives and in their lives that draws them into a life of living close to God and fulfilling their destiny.

I also like to claim the promise of Isaiah 44:3 (ESV): "I will pour my Spirit upon your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants."

And my favorite Scripture, which I think I must quote nearly every day, is Zechariah 4:6: "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of hosts." I am very aware that it is not my power or my working. I am totally dependent on God's Spirit to move in their lives and am therefore constantly crying out for His intervention.

Love from NANCY

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In reply to my post, DO YOU FEEL DOWNGRADED?, some mothers shared how they have faithfully stayed home to homeschool their children, but now the children have grown and left the nest. What do they do now? One mother mentioned that she feels scared about going back in the workforce after being home all these years?

WashedFeetDear older mothers, why do you feel you now have to go back to the work force? Your career hasn't changed. You are just moving into a different gear. God doesn't take away your motherhood career just because your children have grown! You have a greater realm of motherhood to enter into. There is a world of afflicted and hurting people waiting for love and encouragement. Ask God who He wants you to reach out to. Ask Him who He wants you to gather into your home to love and nurture. Now that your children are grown, you have more time to reach the broken-hearted and to uplift and strengthen the downcast and disillusioned.

What about the young mothers? As older mothers, we are commanded to teach them and show them the way God wants them to live. We don't show them the way by going out of the home and going into the workforce. That gives them a false picture. You can't do one thing and say another. You have to live what you speak. One of the greatest cries of mothers is that they have no one to encourage them. I hear it daily.

Rise up, older mothers. You haven't got time to waste your life earning a bit of extra pocket money. You have a world of young mothers who need encouraging and help; single mothers who need uplifting and strengthening; young singles who need inspiring in the ways of God instead of the ways of the world; older people who are lonely and have no one to care for them; those who sick and in prison; and all the hurting, troubled, and brokenhearted all around you (Matthew 25:31-46).

And dear older mothers, you have a home! Don't vacate it. Your home is the greatest place to serve God in all the world. Ask God who He wants you to invite into your home for a meal. Ask a family over to supper who need encouraging. Ask a young mother with her children over to lunch to bless her and encourage her. Open your home in hospitality. Open wide your doors. You will never be bored again.

And look out. The grandchildren will soon be coming. How wonderful. Encourage your children to have children. That's what the Bible tells us to do (Jeremiah 29:6) and be ready and waiting for them.

God gives the picture of His plan for women in 1 Timothy 5:10 (ESV). It speaks of the young mother embracing motherhood, but as her children grow, we see her growing more and more powerful in her anointing of motherhood as she opens her home in hospitality and reaches out to the needy. She is described as "having a reputation for good works: if she has brought up children, has shown hospitality, has washed the feet of the saints, has cared for the afflicted, and has devoted herself to every good work."

Lift up your eyes. A wonderful world of ministry awaits you.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell (your fellow older mother)

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downgradedDo you sometimes feel despised by the world around you for choosing to stay home with your precious children? Often family members cause you to feel inferior and that you should be doing something greater with your life. Dear mother, please be encouraged. You are right where God wants you to be. You have the highest career in the nation as you train the next generation; as you make a stable, loving, peaceful home for your children; as you daily fill them with God's powerful words which are the greatest wisdom in the world; and as you prepare them for the destiny for which God has brought them into the world.

And there's more. Your career is an eternal one. You came naked into this world and naked you will go out, not taking anything with you, except your redeemed soul and the redeemed souls of your children which are eternal. Others pour their lives into careers outside the home which will all be left behind. Your are pouring into lives that will live forever. You are doing an eternal work.

1 Corinthians 1:27, 28 (ESV) says: "But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, 'Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.'"

Are you feeling base and discouraged? Don't listen to these lies any longer. Lift up your head and embrace your mandate from God. You are not working for any earthly employer, but for the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Sovereign God of the universe.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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romans 12 9It's hard to believe that 36 states of USA have now legalized homosexual marriage. Alabama is fighting hard to stand against it. If it goes down, there will be only 13 states left!

How does this affect you? Are we desensitized? Or are we crying out to God for His intervention? Do you realize that our children and grandchildren will live in world where this lifestyle is considered normal? We must inform them that it's not normal. It is abnormal and against nature. It defies the sacred institution of marriage between a man and a woman which God ordained. It is an abomination in the eyes of God. Because it cannot bring children to birth, it ultimately destroys civilization.

Romans 12:9 says: "Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good." The word "abhor" means "to shudder with horror." Is anyone in the church shuddering today? Do we tremble at the atrocities of sin? Do we tremble when we read God's Word (Isaiah 66:2)?

I read recently: "Shallow are the souls that have forgotten how to shudder." These words were written by Leon Kass in the context of human cloning, but it applies to all rebellion against God's ways.

We are either on God's side, or the devil's side. We can't sit on the fence.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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missblessingsWhat a joy and utmost blessing to be "saved" by the blood of Jesus Christ. The word is "sozo" and means "to save, deliver, protect, heal, preserve, and make whole." What a wonderful word. We have all these blessings through Christ who saved us.

It is the same word that Jesus used when he healed the sick. Some examples: "she shall be made whole" (Luke 8:50), "Thy faith hath made thee whole" (Mark 5:34), and "as many as touched him were made whole" (Mark 6:56).

And did you know? It is the same word the Bible uses about childbearing. 1 Timothy 2:15 says that women "will be saved through childbearing--if they continue in faith and love and holiness, and with self-control." Many women do not want to heed to this truth and consequently miss out on the blessings. As we embrace childbearing, for which God created us, we are saved physically, emotionally, and spiritually--and we are saved from deception.

To embrace childbearing is not a negative to you as a women. It is your glory. And God promises you will be saved, delivered, protected, healed, and preserved. I love the word "preserved," don't you? And you will be made whole.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell
Painting by Vincent van Gogh - "First Steps"

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Revelation-1-3Revelation 1:3 tells us: "Blessed is the one who READS ALOUD the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near." We know this is talking about the book of Revelation, but I believe it applies to every word in the Bible. It is more powerful to read God's Word aloud than silently. It seems to penetrate our hearts and minds far more intently.

It is also powerful to listen to God's Word. God's anointing is upon the father as he reads out loud God's Words to his family each day. Isaiah 39:19 says: "The father to the children shall make known thy truth." How can the father make known God's truths to his family without speaking them OUT LOUD? "Make known" is "yada" in the Hebrew and means "to make them known intimately." We get the message again in Deuteronomy 4:9 (ESV): "Make them known (yada) to your children and your children's children."

Let's look at Psalm 78:1-7. In this passage God commands families to pass on His truths to the following generations. Fourteen times He reminds us to open our mouths and speak God's words OUT LOUD! Check them out:

"Give EAR O my people (your ears can't hear unless the word is spoken OUT LOUD), to my teaching: INCLINE YOURS EARS (once again, the ears are listening to spoken words) to the WORDS OF MY MOUTH.
I will OPEN MY MOUTH in a parable. I will UTTER (the Hebrew word is "naba" and means "to gush forth, belch out, pour out, abundantly utter) dark sayings of old.
Which we have HEARD (how can our children hear if we don't speak God's Words OUT LOUD?) and KNOWN ("yada" again), and our FATHERS HAVE TOLD US (the Hebrew word for "told" is "caphar" and means "to enumerate intensively, to recount, to celebrate, to declare, tell out").
We WILL NOT HIDE (we dare not keep our mouths shut because we have a commission from God to speak His truths to our children and following generations) them from their children, SHOWING (declaring) to the generation to come the praises of the Lord and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done.
For he established a TESTIMONY (witness) in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should MAKE THEM KNOWN ("yada") to their children:
That the generation to come MIGHT KNOW THEM ("yada"), even the children which should be born; who should arise and DECLARE ("caphar") them to their children:
That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments."

Do we taken notice of what God says? Do we speak God's words OUT LOUD and teach them to our children each day? We not only have to open our mouths, but have to get them into our children's mouths so they can speak God's Words from their mouths to their children and each generation following.

By the way, this is not a joke. It is God's command.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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lampbearersI was reading in Revelation 1:20 this morning how each golden lampstand represented a church, a body of believers who God wants to shine for Him in this dark world. We as families are also meant to be lampstands to our neighbors around about us and to all who come into our home.

How does a lampstand keep shining its light? God showed the way when He instigated the original lampstand in the tabernacle (Exodus 25:31-40; 27:2, 21; and 22-33). He commanded the priests to trim the wicks and pour in the oil for the light every morning and every evening. The light would go out if they didn't attend to it twice a day. If we want to be a family that is a lampstand for God in this world we have to attend to our lamps twice a day also.

The wicks speak of our humanity. As we gather each morning and evening for Family Devotions, to come into God's presence as a family, He reveals to us the things that grieve His Holy Spirit and that we need to trim off our lives--the dead, burnt works of the flesh that smoke everyone out in the home. But trimmed wicks are not enough. We have to be filled again with the Holy Spirit, which is represented by the holy anointing oil.

The lampstand was made of pure beaten gold, speaking of the divinity of Christ. We have no light of ourselves. We have no righteousness of our own. It is only His holiness and His light shining through us that gives hope to the lost, light to the darkened and deceived, and comfort of to the troubled and broken-hearted.

Can we be golden lampstand families in this dark world? Let us then, commit ourselves to attending to our lampstands every morning and evening.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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SalvationFamilyThe following Scriptures are known as the Roman Road to Salvation. They are Scriptures from the book of Romans which show God's wondrous way of salvation. It is important that we know these Scriptures. It is most important that our children know these Scriptures. It shows them the way to experience salvation through Jesus Christ. It shows them how to lead another person to Christ.

It is so sad that many Christians today do not even know Scriptures that can help lead someone to Christ. When I talk to young people I find that most of them don't even know these Scriptures, and these are young people who have been brought up in homeschooling families. This is unbelievable! Don't let this be the testimony of your children.

I will list the Scriptures for you. Print them out. Go through them with your children. If they have not yet received Christ into their lives as their Lord and Savior, encourage them to do this. If they are already born again, they need to not only know about, but to memorize these Scriptures so they are equipped to lead another person to Jesus.

1. All have sinned
We have all sinned and therefore fall short of God's standard.
Romans 3:10; 3:23; and 5:12

2. There is a penalty for sin.
If we remain in our sin, we will die, but if we repent and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we will have eternal life.
Romans 6:23

3. Christ died for us
Even though we are sinners, God loves us and sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die in our place and take the punishment of sin.
Romans 5:8

4. Call upon the Lord
We must call upon the Lord. God promises that when we call upon the name of the Lord we will be saved. There is no other name through which we can receive salvation.
Romans 10:13

5. We must believe and confess
We must believe in our hearts that Jesus died, was buried, and rose again for our sins (1 Corinthians 15:1-4), but we must also confess out loud with our mouth that He is Lord and Savior.
Romans 10: 9, 10

6. It's a faith walk
We receive God's salvation by faith. When we are saved, we keep walking by faith which grows stronger as we read God's Word every day.
Romans 10:17

If you have never received Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God into your life and been born again, or if your children are not yet born again, here is a prayer to pray:

"Dear Father, I know that I have sinned and deserve the punishment of my sin which is death. But I thank you that you died in my place and took my sin upon yourself as you died upon the cross and shed your precious blood. Please forgive me for my sin and cleanse me with your precious blood. I thank you that you died, were buried, and rose again for me. I ask you to come into my life and to be Lord of my life. I confess right now that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND SAVIOR OF MY LIFE. Amen.,"

When you are born again into God's family, you are a new baby in Christ. A baby only grows by drinking milk. The more you feed from God's Word the more you will grow strong in your faith and in your walk with God. Read God's Word daily.
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StrongForJob"Be strong . . . and work: for I am with you, saith the Lord of hosts" (Haggai 2:4).

"To whom did God say these words?" my husband asked as he read this Scripture in Family Devotions this morning. God was encouraging Zerubbabel and all the people who were rebuilding the broken down temple after coming back from Babylon. They had many adversaries as they tried to build. They had one setback after another. But God encouraged them to be strong and work because He was with them to help them.

You too are in a great building program--the biggest building project of the nation! The building and strengthening of your family. Building takes work. It doesn't just happen. You constantly face new challenges and difficulties. But, dear mother, please be encouraged. God is with you! In fact, the Lord of hosts is with you--the God of the armies of heaven who fights on your behalf.

He encourages you today. "Rise up, be strong, and work!" "Ouch! Do I have to work?" Yes, God doesn't give you His strength to sit on the couch and look at the mess around you. He doesn't give you His strength to sit and watch TV. He gives you His divine strength to enable you to do this great task of mothering and managing your home that He has given you. When your strength runs out, He gives you His strength.

You can do it with His strength, because He is with you.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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MostOfTodayJesus said, "Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today" (Matthew 6:34 NLT).

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BeABlesserWhat a beautiful thing to be a "blessing soul." Proverbs 11:25 says, "The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself." The margin in my Bible says the "liberal soul" is a "soul of blessing." Don't you love that?. It's talking about someone who can't stop blessing people. It's talking about a GENEROUS blesser. And it comes from out of their soul, not only their mouth.

The "blessing soul" reveals what God is like. He is a Blesser. The first thing God did when He created the man and woman was to BLESS them.

How do we pour out blessing to our husband, children, and those around us?

Bless them with smiles--not just when we feel like it, but smiling to bless them.
Bless them with kind and encouraging words.
Bless them with a listening ear.
Bless them by serving them.
Bless them by doing surprises for them.
Bless them with love and hugs.
Bless them with writing encouraging notes and poems.
Bless them with positivity which uplifts them. A downcast, sour face is a wet blanket in the home.

May God help us to be generous blessing souls.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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StrengthDignityStrength and dignity are traits of the Proverbs 31 woman.

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SubmitYourselvesOne of the BLESSED women in the Bible was called Jael. God said that she was to be blessed above all women who lived in tents (that's how Jael, who was a Kenite, lived in those days). Why was she given such honor? Because she destroyed the enemy who came into her home. You can read the whole story in Judges 4:17-23 and 5:24-31.

God gave the Israelites victory over the Canaanites who had held them in slavery for 20 years. Captain Sisera was running for his life and came to the home of Jael. She took him in, gave him milk, and a bed to sleep. But once he was asleep she took a tent peg, silently crept up to him and nailed it through his head, crushing his head with a shattering blow. Why would Jael be honored for such a gruesome deed?

This story reveals a spiritual principle. Jael did not give the enemy a foothold in her home. She dealt him a death blow. This is the same spirit God wants us to have. The enemy of our souls and the souls of our children is always lurking around to gain a foothold in our home. We must be on the watch. And when he makes an appearance we do not sit idly by. We must not be tolerant. We must take action. Pray. Intercede. Speak out the Scriptures. Lift up the name of Jesus. Plead the blood of Jesus. Deal him a death blow.

Jael didn't even have to go out to war. She won the final victory for the nation right in her home. As a mother, you are also a warrior for God in your home. Don't give the devil who comes "to steal, kill, and destroy" one inch of comfort in your home. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, throw him out.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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workhardIt's difficult to accomplish anything very powerful when you are apathetic about it, isn't it? Many things can only be accomplished by the "zeal of the Lord." Isaiah 9:7 tells us that "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end." How is this going to be accomplished? The rest of the Scripture says, "The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." It is the passion and zeal of God that will perform this wonderful promise.

When Jesus behold what was happening in the temple which was called "The House of Prayer" he didn't stand by indifferently. He rose up in righteous indignation and drove the sheep, oxen, and money changers from the temple, kicking over all their tables. When the disciples saw it they remembered the Scripture, "The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up" (John 2:17 and Psalm 69:9).

I believe we also need the zeal of the Lord as we tackle the greatest career in the nation, that of mothering and training the next generation who will detriment the course of the nation. WE CAN'T DO IT HAPHAZARDLY. WE CAN'T DO IT APATHETICALLY. WE CAN'T DO IT HALF-HEARTEDLY. WE CAN'T DO IT PART TIME!

We must rise up in the zeal of the Lord, knowing the power and destiny of our calling and the urgency of this hour. Titus 2:14 exhorts us to be "zealous of good works" and the greatest work you are doing is raising your family. Do it with zeal.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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PathRighteousOur God is a God of increase. Therefore, He wants us to be people of increase, too. Colossians 1:10 says, "That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and INCREASING in the knowledge of God." The word "increasing" is "epignosis" and means more than just knowledge. It is knowledge that powerfully influences our lives.

It's so easy to become stagnant and stay the same from day to day, isn't it? This is not God's plan for us. He wants us to daily increase in our understanding and knowledge of Him and working it out in our daily lives. It's good to ask the question, "Have I learned more of God today?" Well, if I haven't made time to read His Word, how can I understand more of Him?

"How do I get time to read the Bible when I have a new baby and little ones all around me?" you ask. In this season of your life you may not have time to set aside specific times, but it's amazing what you can fit in as you make it your aim. Keep a Bible in the bathroom to read a verse or two throughout the day. Keep a Bible at your windowsill where you prepare the meals and do dishes. Open it at Psalms or Proverbs. You can look up every now and then and read words that will strengthen and calm your soul.

What about your children? Are they increasing in the knowledge of God each day? This won't happen either without your imparting it into their lives. Like you, my life is filled from morning 'til night. That's why I am so grateful for our morning and evening Devotions where we all sit together as a family to listen to my husband read God's Word. If we didn't make time for these times, we would miss out on so much of what God wants to speak to us. It's how we grow and increase in the Lord--little by little, and day by day.

Proverbs 4:18: "But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth MORE AND MORE unto the perfect day."

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

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