Are you currently facing an impossible situation? Can I encourage you to not look at the “impossible” situation, but to look to God? The word “impossible” means nothing to Him. It is not in His vocabulary.

What did Abraham do in the impossibly looking situation when God promised him a son? He was 100 years old and Sarah was ninety! It couldn’t happen naturally. Romans 4:20 ESV says, “No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God.”

I was challenged as I read this Scripture again. Abraham became strong in faith as he praised God. He would have become weak in faith if he had kept dwelling on the impossibility of the situation.

Praise God in your situation. Give glory to God that He is in control and He can do what man cannot do. Even when you feel full of doubt, keep giving glory to the Lord, and your faith will grow strong.

Love, Nancy