By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 19 November 2012
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Have you ever said, “How can I raise godly children? I’m not good enough myself. I make so many mistakes?”

Dear mother, you don’t have to be perfect. But, you do have to be real! Of course you’ll make mistakes. You will blow it and yell at your children. You will often fail. I can't count how many times I've felt like a failure. Your children will forgive you for these things, but they will be twisted in their thinking and theology if they see hypocrisy.

More than anything else children want reality. They want parents who are real. They need to see that your relationship with the Lord is as real on Monday morning as it is worshipping the Lord in church. They need to see that God is high priority in your home every day of the week.

They need to see that if you say you are "believing" parents that you do truly believe and trust the Lord. You will go through hard times, and often lean times. How do they see you reacting? Complaining and in despair? Or, hanging on to God in prayer and faith--and still rejoicing in the faithfulness of God. It's often in the difficult times that they really see if we are real or not.

What about when people despise you and speak wrongfully against you? What do your children see? Are you bitter and speaking negative things about these people? Or, do they see you blessing them and continuing to laugh and rejoice anyway.

You won't be perfect every day. You'll be saying "Sorry" many times. But, be genuine in your faith and love to God.

Love from Nancy