By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Do you feel as thou you don't have much strength to fight the battle against evil? In the nation? And sometimes it may even be in your home. Be encouraged.

Even with a "little strength" you can stand your ground. The angel wrote to the church at Philadelphia, "I know you have little strength, but you have OBEYED MY WORD AND NOT DENIED MY NAME" (Revelation 3:8).

Keep standing strong for righteousness. Never give in to evil. Never compromise. Do not tolerate what God hates. Never deny the holy name of God. Even with your little strength, you can be a voice for righteousness.

Did you know that God chose you before the foundation of the world to walk a holy life for Him (Ephesians 1:4)? God is with you to keep you standing strong, even with your "little strength."

Love from Nancy Campbell