By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 04 March 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Dear Mother, you are accomplishing great things in your home as you make your home a sanctuary for the living God and train and nurture your precious children in this God-anointed atmosphere.

Titus 2:5 exhorts young women to be "keepers at home." These words do not relegate you to an inferior position or deprive you of something greater you could be doing. THIS IS THE GREATEST WORK YOU CAN BE DOING.

It is not stagnate. It is not insignificant. You are ACCOMPLISHING. Each different Bible translation for this phrase gives more understanding.

You are a home KEEPER (KJB)
You are a home MAKER (NKJB, HCSB, AMP, CEB)
You are a home MANAGER (OJB)
You are a home WORKER (ESV, NCV, WEB).

Do you notice that these words are verbs? They make things happen. You are building a home and family to strengthen this nation and bless the world.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell