By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 29 April 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog

WOMBNESS (Another new word!)

My last post was about "homeness." I thought I would stretch your vocabulary a little further and introduce "wombness." "Wombness" is not some ethereal imaginative word. It is a reality! It is very much part of who we are as a woman. In fact, we would not be a woman if we did not have a womb! And it also reveals something of what God is like. The womb is more than a place where a baby can be conceived and grow. It is the seat of our compassion.

The Hebrew word "racham" is the word used for a literal womb, but this same Hebrew word is translated "compassion" four times, and "mercy" 30 times. It is the same word that speaks of God's compassion and mercy. When we embrace our "wombness" we also reveal something of the compassion of God.

I was just reading the meaning of "feminine" in the 1828 Webster's Dictionary as follows: "Probably from wemb or womb, by the use of f for w. The last part of the word is probably from man, quasi, femman, womb-man). To be feminine is to be "a womb man."

Don't despise your "wombness." It is a very integral and beautiful part of who you as a woman.

Love from Nancy