WhoWillBeLikeI read this morning Luke 6:40: “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.”
Wow! That is a challenge to us parents, isn’t it? We as mothers are the primary and best teachers God has given to our children. Teaching and training our children are a huge part of motherhood.
The big question is: when our children are fully-trained and come forth out of our home, are they like us and walking in the principles and ways of God we have taught them or are they like the secular world?
It is so sad to see so many young people from Christian homes that are more like the world. Instead of being trained by their mothers, they are trained by all the junk and deception and worldly mindset on their iPhones.
The word “fully trained” in the Greek is “katartizo” and means “to complete thoroughly, repair, restore, adjust, frame, mend, prepare.” Do you notice that it is far more than teaching. We must constantly adjust, repair, and restore. Because we live in this world, we cannot help some of the influence of this world system touching our children. Therefore, we must constantly be checking their world view and adjusting and restoring them back to God’s ultimate truths.
Did you know this terrible statistic that only six percent of Christians have a biblical worldview today? I hope that’s not you. Because you must be strong in your biblical worldview in order to impress it into the hearts and minds of your children.
Did you notice that another meaning of the word is to mend? This is the word when that is used when Jesus found James and John “mending” their nets. It’s not only teaching and training but “mending” wrong ideas and hurts in their lives.
However, I do think that above all our teaching and training, the greatest way we impact out children is through our lifestyle. Do they see by our daily actions that we truly love God with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength? Do they see that we are lovers of God’s truth and His ways? Do they see that we love to pray? Do they see God is first and paramount in every part of our lives? If they don’t see this, all the things we say will not have much impact.
Many blessings to you,
Nancy Campbell
Scripture: Ezekiel 16:44