The ultimate devotion of our lives should be to love God with all heart, soul, mind, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5; Mark 12:38; Luke 10:27). The next love of our life should be for our husband and children and to build a home (a godly family) for the name of the Lord.

David confessed in 1 Chronicles 29:3, "I have set my AFFECTION to the house of my God." Affection is a beautiful word. In this passage the word is "ratsah" and means "to love, to be devoted to, to delight and take pleasure in."We cannot effectively build a family for God's glory if our heart is not in it. Many times our heart and mind is in other places and projects rather than our home.

Where are your dreams? Are they for building a home to the name of the Lord? Not for your name, but for His name. That means we have to do it His way. We can have dreams of success for our children, but often it can be for the glory of our name. God's plans may be different. Let's build to His name (2 Chronicles 2:4).

Can you bring your heart and your mind back to your home? If your affection is for your home and family, this is where you will DELIGHT to spend most of your time.

Our affection should also inspire in our children an affection for the home. They will not imbibe that affection if they spend more time at daycare or school.

Love from Nancy Campbell