Recently we talked about sibling fighting. One of our readers wrote to me something that blessed her and I am going to share it with you, too.

"Right now, we've got six children living in a hotel room, and we're crowded to say the least (we're relocating and looking for a new home). Sometimes, the fights break out faster than I can stop them, and the noise and chaos overwhelms me, at which point I lose it.

This morning, my husband prayed over me, and today has been SO much easier! The children's behavior is the same, it's MY heart that's at peace. When I'm calmer, the children are calmer. This morning started out the same old same old, but as we go on, they're calming down now that they see Mommy isn't going to be the she-beast she was yesterday."

Have you thought of asking your husband to pray over you each morning? He is your covering. Ask him to ask God, as your covering, to fill you with His peace, anointing, and power as you spend another day nurturing and teach your children.

Love from Nancy