Holy ProfaneRecently I asked my 14 year old granddaughter what she would do if she unexpectedly saw anything sinister on her iPad. She immediately responded, "Nana, I would VOMIT!" This should be the attitude of our children toward evil.

Mothers are born to teach. We inherently begin teaching our children from the moment they are born. We the best teachers for our children. We teach them everything about life. We teach them God's words and His ways.

Parents are the primary teachers of their children before anyone else, even pastors and Sunday School teachers (Deuteronomy 4:9; 11:18-21: 6:6-8; and Proverbs 6:20-24). However, in the Old Testament the priests were also commanded to teach the people and there was one thing that God specifically wanted them to teach. I believe God wants us to be very concerned about this truth also. Ezekiel 44:23 says, "And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean." Read also Ezekiel 22:26 and Jeremiah 15:19.

On the whole, we as the people of God have become impotent and anemic. Instead of invading the nation with God's righteousness and truth, we are being overpowered with humanism, feminism, the gay agenda, and more and more evil. One of the reasons for this is that the buzz word in the world, and now in the church, is tolerance.

We cannot influence the world for righteousness while we have a tolerant attitude. We are commanded to expose and reprove all evil. We are to hate evil and love righteousness. This must be our attitude which we pass on to our children. We must TEACH them the DIFFERENCE between evil and righteousness. Between the holy and the profane. There's no middle of the road. No tolerating of what God says is evil and an abomination. We either stand with God or we stand with the devil.

Let's raise God-loving, evil-hating children who love people, but who will not tolerate for a moment what God hates.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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