One of my constant prayers is that God will daily lead me into truth and expose all deception in my life. I hate deception. I love truth. I am sure this is your attitude, too.

Jeremiah 5:3 says, "O Lord, are not thine eyes upon the truth?" Because God is Truth, and can't be anything else than truth, He hates lies, but aligns Himself with truth. I want to be in sync with God so I hanker after truth. That means I must immerse myself in His Word.

Man's humanistic reasoning is no match for God's eternal truth. It is only when we know His truth that we discern deception. It is interesting that when the children of Israel were taken captives to Babylon that God warned them through the prophet Jeremiah to watch out for deception "in the midst of you" (Jeremiah 29:8-9). You would have thought He would have warned them to watch out for the deception in Babylon as Babylon was filled with deception and confusion! However, he knew they would see through that deception because it was so blatant. The deception we have to be concerned about is that which is so similar to the truth that it takes being filled with God's Word to discern it!

I want to be a truth seeker, a truth finder, a truth lover, a truth embracer, a truth adherer, a truth speaker, and a truth promoter! Don't you?

And let's raise children who have a love for truth, children who will not be swayed by humanistic propaganda, children who can discern the difference between good and evil, and children who will be able to stand, "and having done all stand" against all deception.

Love from Nancy