By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Comfort or conviction
Are the options today.
Will we stand, or be silent
When the choice comes our way?
Though culture is changing,
God's ways stay the same.
Will we yield to the pressure
Or the truth still proclaim?

This life is a vapor,
This world will not last.
Will we seek the eternal
Or the things that will pass?
We may suffer scoffing,
Persecution, or loss,
But to follow the Savior
Is to yield to the cross.

Help me love you, my Savior.
Keep me faithful to you,
Let me stand against falsehoods,
Unashamed of the truth.
Walking the old paths,
Embracing your Word,
Filled with your wisdom,
Not the voices I've heard.

I trust you to keep me,
I can't keep myself.
When I'm tempted to falter,
Let your strength be my help.
No matter the battle,
Keep me true to the end,
I want only to please you,
My Redeemer and friend.

2021, Val Halloran