26. Limit the number of women’s meetings, coffee mornings, and playgroup sessions that you go to.
27. Be the manager of your home. Your name is Mother, not slave.
28. Allow 15 extra minutes to get ready when you are going out. And what about turning the clock forward half an hour when getting ready for church?
29. Listen to constructive criticism. Be willing to learn new things.
30. Spend time in the garden with your children.
31. Guard the sanctity of your home. Don’t allow others to selfishly invade your life.
32.If you don’t have time for an early morning Quiet Time, write out one or two Scriptures and pin them up on your fridge or near your kitchen work area and meditate upon them during the day.
32. Take the phone off the hook if you want a rest.
33. Cook two meals at a time, eat one and freeze the other.
34. Make children responsible for making their beds and keeping their own bedrooms tidy.
35. Don’t try to do too much. You are not a super-mum!
36. Remember Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
37. Hum, sing, or whistle while doing your work. It creates a happy atmosphere.
38. Eat a healthy diet. Take extra supplements if needed.
39. Don’t compare your family with others. Your family is unique. You don’t have to live up to other people’s expectations.
40. Be a “keeper at home” and try not to go out too much.
41. During rest time, pin a note to the door say: “Mother and children resting. Please do not disturb.”
42. Learn to say “No” to others. Family comes first.
43. You are not a taxi service. Train your children to be contented at home.
44. Dress neatly and attractively. Staying at home shouldn’t mean a slovenly appearance.
45. Teach your children to clean up after themselves.
46. Don’t try to pack more into your days than you have time for.
47. Make time for some quiet moments alone with your husband each evening.
48. Fellowship together is so stress-relieving. Arrange a little picnic at a park to meet another mother and her children so you can chat together, and the children can play together. Or even at your own home.
49. Eliminate all sugar from your children’s diet. Too much sugar makes them hyper!
50. Instead of yelling at your children when they are arguing and fighting, move right in and pray with them instead! Pray against the arguing spirit and speak God’s peace into their hearts.
Love from Above Rubies.