By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 04 September 2024
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Each new baby is born with the stamp of God upon them. John 1:9 describes Jesus, who was God, being the true Light, “which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” Each person has an awareness of God for they are created in the “image and likeness” of God. They have a conscience. They have a knowingness of God.

Gerhard Eberling writes of “a spark of the Eternal implanted in the first human person and in all subsequent human progeny.”
This is the great blessing of children being born into a godly home. Godly parents will fan this flame. As you teach your children the ways of God and His Word the light increases. More understanding and revelation of God fills their lives.
That’s why children who are daily fed God’s Word can come to know Christ at an early age. They can be born again into God’s family while they are young. Paul said to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:15: “From a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” Young children can receive Christ into their lives at three and four years of age. Most of our children came to Christ at four years of age and have never deviated from walking with God.
In an ungodly home where Jesus is never mentioned and His Word is never opened, this light is dimmed and squelched. But the spark is always there. No matter how degraded the person, we can continue to witness to them of the truth of the gospel. The spark of light waits to be lit.
Dear mother, keep fueling the light that God has put in your children so they will be bright shining lights in this dark world.
Let’s keep lighting the flame.
Love from Nancy Campbel