A wonderful day of rich revelation in God's Word and fellowship with His people. A dear friend shared a wonderful miracle of healing this morning. Her little boy poked himself in the eye. It was so bad that he couldn't stand the light, even the tiny sliver of the moon shining in. She and her husband prayed over him, but in the morning things didn't look good.

"Mummy, I can't open my eyes," he said, but his eyes were open and looking at her. But, he couldn't see!  This was scary and this dear mother was desperate, "Is my child blind?" God prompted her to read Isaiah 53 with her little boy and explain to him that Jesus died for our sins and our sicknesses. Then she felt to take communion with him, explaining it carefully to him. After he had taken the bread and the juice, he immediately exclaimed, "Mummy, I can see!"

What a wonderful miracle. God is so good.

Love from Nancy