By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 25 October 2012
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Isn't it awesome to know that we weren't created haphazardly, but purposely. God created every aspect of our female body for His divine purposes. He didn't create our female organs to lie dormant or to atrophy, but to fulfill God's wondrous designs. Our whole being, transcendentally and physically, are tied together. Even the physical organ of our womb is not only a physical organ. It is the very seat of our emotions. It is the essence of our motherly compassion and love.

It always amazes me that the word "womb" in the Bible is often used for the physical womb, and at other times to describe compassion and pity, especially God's compassion. When we embrace the function of our womb, we experience more and more of the anointing of God's compassion in our lives.

I noticed this again this morning as my husband read Isaiah 49:15 in our Family Devotions, "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have COMPASSION on the son of her WOMB? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee." Once again, in this passage, compassion and the womb are linked together.

Do not despise the glorious function of your womb. It is not only where you conceive and nurture an eternal soul, but where the anointing of God's compassion and love will encompass you. And, even more amazingly, you will reveal God's compassionate heart toward your children and to those around you.

Love from Nancy Campbell