Have you noticed that before God gave His first commission to Adam and Eve "to be fruitful and multiply" that He first BLESSED them? The fruit of the womb is the blessing of God. Having children is all to do with God's blessing.  After the flood, God again BLESSED Noah and his sons and reminded them also "to be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:28; 9:1-7). That's not all. There are over 25 more passages of Scripture that speak of God BLESSING a couple before giving them children.

We cannot conceive without the blessing of God. However, we know that Satan hates every purpose of God, and therefore deceives mankind to think that having children is a nuisance (or even a curse) rather than a blessing. He seems to be more intent in deceiving God's people to think like this than even the heathen. The reason is that he hates the godly seed and wants to eliminate them any way he can.

Do you agree with God? Of course you do. Therefore, embrace children as a blessing. This was the first blessing He gave to mankind and is still His greatest blessing to us today.

Love from Nancy