By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 09 January 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Before the world began he was in God's mind,
A God who loves to create and is very kind,
He's the author of life and of destiny
And He already knows what He wants him to be.

What an amazing miracle--the birth of a child!
We stand in awe--and God has a smile!
He's created a life that's never lived before,
A life that is special, unique, with gift's galore.

He's a gift to his parents and a gift to the world
As we wait for his destiny to be unfurled.
He's a budding life that will come to full bloom,
And of course his parents are "over the moon."

But the greatest wonder of all that we see
Is to comprehend he was born for eternity!
He's not just a life, but an eternal soul,
Born to embrace a heavenly goal.

Oh the wonder, the privilege we have as a wife
To bring into this world an everlasting life!
Praise God for this privilege and praise
God for this babe Whom He has lovingly and intricately made.

Nancy Campbell