Can I remind you today to make every decision in the light of building your marriage and your home? Ask yourself, “Is what I am doing, or what I plan to do going to fragment my home or build and strengthen it? Are the words I am speaking to my husband strengthening my marriage? Are the words I say to my children building them up?

In this hour of the weakening of families, we must make every decision in this light. The decisions we make not only build or pluck down our family life now, but also future generations.

You as a wife and mother have power to affect this nation. You can strengthen this nation and turn it more toward God as you strengthen your marriage and your family life. The decisions to build can sometimes be sacrificial, but they bring great fruitfulness. The decisions to take the easy or selfish route may seem fine for now, but in the end they wreck havoc on the family.

Think not only of the now, but of the future. Be a nation builder today.

Love from Nancy