royaltyMy little four-year old granddaughter, Breeze (Serene's daughter) has just run into my office dressed up as a princess, twirling around with happiness as she shows me her dress. In fact, all the little granddaughters love to dress up. They run to the dress-up box when they come to my home and never fail to dress up as princesses. It's inherently within them to do this. It's a God-given instinct.

Breeze loves to wear princess dresses every day of the year, even at home. One night at their dinner table the subject got on to marriage. Breeze's sister, Cherish leaned over to Breeze and said, "Breeze, one day your prince is going to come to daddy and ask him for your hand in marriage."

Her eyes lit up with wonder. But then she looked down. "But, I can't be wearing this dress," she exclaimed and began to describe the princess dress and jewelry she would wear and how she would do her hair!

As we get older, we succumb to the fashion of this world. We become victims of culture. However, no matter how we change our style, let's always remember that we are daughters of the "blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords" (1Timothy 6:15).

Because we are born in His image, we are stamped with royalty. We are representatives of a royal kingdom. Therefore, let's seek to speak, walk, dress, and act like one who belongs to His holy, glorious, and royal kingdom.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell