All this talk of poetry inspired me to quickly write one, but the baby is calling so I must run! Enjoy, love Michelle

Sure I'm 'pro-choice', what can I say?
I get to make my own choices every day.
I choose to live my life as a believer you see,
And that means the Bible reveals how I should be.
It means I respect life at every stage of the game.
From conception to the grave, it's all the same.

The Creator makes each one so individual,
And each life truly is such a miracle!
Why would I interfere with His creative power?
The very thought of trying to makes me want to cower!
HE knows best, I know this full well,
So resting in His will makes me feel just swell.

And being 'pro-choice', I get to choose each day
How to live my life in a way that'll really pay.
So each day I choose to submit to my role
As a wife and a mother, and I feel totally whole.
It is so fulfilling, and challenging too,
There is never a dull moment in our family "zoo".

Sometimes I even choose to bite my tongue
And that keeps my marriage much more fun.
I sometimes choose to serve selflessly
And those are the days that I really feel free.
I can also choose to praise instead of criticize
Following that advice is a good word to the wise.

I love all of the choices I get to make.
Nothing about them makes me feel fake.
I have chosen the good path, of this I am sure;
For there is no other workable cure.
To live this life full of sin and pain
I need God's grace to remove my stain.