By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 04 October 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


One of the Scriptures we read from THE DAILY LIGHT in our Family Devotions this morning was Romans 12:1-2. We all recited it together as we know it by heart, as I am sure you also do. However, it's one thing to memorize it, but it's another thing to walk in the experience of it, isn't it?

We always discuss the Scriptures in our devotion time. It tells us that it is our "reasonable service" to present out bodies as a living sacrifice to God. We wanted to find out what "reasonable" really meant. The Greek word is "logikos" which comes from "logos" meaning "God's reason or intelligence expressed in human speech." In other words, we are going along with God's revealed plan in His Word when we yield our bodies to Him as a living sacrifice.

The other place where this same Greek word is used is in 1 Peter 2:2 where it tells us to desire the sincere milk of the Word (logikos).

It's a challenge, isn't it? Am I constantly yielding my body as a living sacrifice to God? My mind, my heart, my ears, my tongue (ouch!), and yes, my womb. This is our reasonable service that lines up with God's Word.

Love from Nancy Campbell