OurArrowsI have some special arrows
To polish for the Lord,
Not sharpened with just any blade,
But with God's mighty sword.

There's only such a fleeting time
To shape, sharpen, and hone.
I'll shoot them past the things of earth
To reach their heav'nly home.

Distractions of this daily life
Could cause me to forget
To use the tools of faith and truth
That heaven's range be set.

Advice will come from every side
On how to take best aim.
Help me listen only to the voice
That bears their owner's name.

The little honing here and there,
A touch up now and then,
Alone won't shape the sharpest point,
They'll need to reach their end.

I need to read their Maker's book,
To know it through and through,
To point them so they don't fall short
Of all they're called to do.

Oh Lord, please guide my arrows,
Enable my weak hands
To fashion them to reach the goal,
To live by Your commands.

Without Your help they will fall short;
My arms don't have the strength.
Through prayer and only by Your grace
They'll reach their goal at length.

2016, Val Halloran


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