I often hear women sharing, "I am going through a real battle." Or, "We are facing a real battle in our family at this time." In stating this, they own the battle as theirs. My, that's tough when you have to battle through on your own, isn't it? Sometimes it's almost impossible.

However, did you know that God will take up the battle on your behalf? God is a battle fighter. And He knows how to win!

In 1 Chronicles 5:18-22 it tell us about some of the tribes of Israel who went to war with the Hagarites (descended from Ishmael). Even though they were mighty warriors "skilled in combat and armed with shields, swords, and bows" (v. 18 NLT), the battle was too much for them. In their distress, they screamed out to God for help. Verse 20 tells us that because "they put their trust in Him" God helped them. They wiped out the enemy. Why? Because verse 22 tells us, "the battle was God's." God fought on their behalf.

Are you going to keep fighting your battle in your own strength? Or, will you give it to God? Will you let it become His battle? I think we can trust Him to win the victory better than we can, don't you?

Love from Nancy Campbell