By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 30 August 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog

Mother, YOU are the HEART of your home!

Here is just some of the things you do in your powerful role as HOMEMAKER!

You make your home a . . .

a House of prayer,
a Household of faith,
a Habitation of love,
a Haven of peace,
a Happening place of joy and laughter,
a Hub of activity,
a Home of Hospitality,
a Home of Happiness,
a Home of Harmony,
a Home of Holiness,
a Home of Honesty,
a Home of Humility,
a Home of Hugs,
a Home of Health and Healing,
a Home of Hearty food and fellowship, and
a Hearthstone where all delight to come.

In your home you . . .

Hedge it about with truth,
Heal broken hearts,
Help one another,
Heap blessings upon one another,
Hold fast the Word of Life,
Honor the elderly,
Hate evil and love righteousness,
Encourage Hard work,
Provide an atmosphere to Hear the voice of God,
Fill it with Heavenly praises.
Love and appreciate your Husband,.
And of course, you seek to make it a little taste of Heaven.

Keep your MOTHER HEART beating strongly in your home.

Love from Nancy Campbell