By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 02 February 2021
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


There used to be an old saying: “Children should be seen and not heard” I don’t agree with this statement. I believe the table is place for not only eating, but fellowship. Food and fellowship go together. They are TWINS.

Of course, we don’t allow children to talk over the top of one another, or to have separate conversations with each other at the table. Fellowship is for building up one another. Therefore, each one takes a turn. We train our children to do what is right and what is etiquette. When they learn the right way at the table, they understand how to act in other situations and other people’s homes.
Even in the church situation 1 Corinthians 14:31 says: “For ye may all prophecy ONE BY ONE, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.” Do you notice the words ONE BY ONE? It is chaos when everyone talks at once. But we are all blessed and encouraged when each one takes their turn.
Some mothers complain that their husbands don’t help at mealtimes. We all want our husbands to help more, don’t we? But we need to remember that God has given us the task of managing our home. It’s not our husband’s obligation. His responsibility to is to work hard to provide for the home. Of course, it is lovely when he helps with the dishes, sweeps the floor, or takes over preparing the little ones for bed, especially when you have young children. And we trust he will take up his responsibility to lead the family in prayer and Bible reading at the end of the meal.
However, when there are older children in the home, they should be trained to take the responsibility to clear the table, do the dishes, and clean the kitchen. If we are not training them, we are not doing our job. The husband who has been working hard all day should not have to do this. But if and when he does, please be grateful to him and thank him. Don’t take it for granted.
You are the Queen of your home. You are not expected to do every job in the home. You train and delegate. Every child can do something, even the little ones. In homes where there are older trained children the mothers should be reaping their reward of years of training. They should be able to sit and relax while their children clean up.
And one more thing. Can I please encourage you, dear wives and mothers, to change your confession? Some mothers tell me they dislike the family table because of the rabble and confusion that goes on. But this is opposite to God’s plan. God wants to come and join you at your table. He wants to bring His presence to your table. He wants it to be a place of joy, laughter, harmony, and blessing one another.
You can begin to make this happen as you change your confession. Begin confessing that you LOVE MEAL TIMES WITH YOUR FAMILY! What you confess will come to pass. Instead of thinking of preparing a meal as another chore, look upon it as sacred task. My goal is TO MAKE EVERY MEAL A LOVE AFFAIR!
When you begin preparing a meal, think of how to make your meal a love affair for your family. How can you make your table look special and inviting tonight? How can you best minister to their physical needs? What can you do to get your children interacting together?
Start thinking NOW about what you are going to do at your meal table this evening.
Love from Nancy Campbell