By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 10 August 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Please don’t be deceived dear friends. And please listen to the right sources. It seems that even Christians are wholeheartedly listening to extreme socialist and government leaders who want the demise of this nation. What is happening is not God’s way. It is the opposite of how He wants us to live.

Nancy Campbell

The devil is a snake. He’s sneaky. He creeps in. He appears as an angel of light. He mixes truth with deception. Be careful to not be deceived. They already got most of the world with the mask wearing. And they got everyone to think they are doing good to their neighbors by wearing it. BUT they also want you to rat your neighbors out if they aren’t wearing one.

The devil is the accuser. He has gotten his troops deceived enough to guilt and shame anyone who isn’t a social justice warrior who’s hero cape is a mask. Who is the accuser? Who loves guilt and shaming people? The devil! Don’t be mistaken!

The devil crept in, he came with a voice that sounds similar to Gods voice, to fool the people, good people, he needed to tell them they needed to wear it because they love their neighbor. It sounds good. It feels righteous! It even looks good, like being a hero even.

But be careful lest you forget who you are. The masks already make us all look the same in a lot of ways. The virus is is real, but it’s also tiny, it’s way smaller than you think and it creeps out of most masks anyhow. Put on Jesus! God is bigger than a mask. Don’t forget that he is our protector, not a mask.

Only God has the keys to everlasting life. Only He knows the number of our days. Only he can deliver us. Be careful, in the last days, even the elect shall be deceived. Remember, the devil always packages up his agendas in pretty loving looking packages.

Doesn’t it seem strange to anyone else that all the secular media, stars and people who are not even believers, who deny him by their evil works are the very ones teaching us how to love our neighbors right now? It is strange to me. But it doesn’t surprise me either. We live in crazy times and the global take over is just that much easier when we blindly obey.

Erin Harrison