By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 07 March 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Each week in our home we learn a passage of Scripture. We have currently been memorizing Psalm 119:7-11 which starts off with "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul." This word "converting" is amazing. It is the Hebrew word "shuwb" and is translated 100 different English words in the King James Bible. It is the same word that is used in Malachi 4:4-6, the prophecy about the hearts of the fathers being TURNED back to children. It is the same word as Psalm 23:3, "He RESTORES my soul."

It has such a full meaning. It means to "turn back again, to restore, renew, revive, and refresh." It also means "to bring back home again." I love that, don't you? It is God's Word that brings us back home--into the fold of His will, His Word. His thoughts and His ways. We are only truly home when we understand who God created us to be and walk in it with all our hearts. We are "at home" when our hearts and minds are in tune with Him.

"The Scriptures," a very accurate translation of the Bible, translates it this way, "Bringing back the being," It's easy to follow the humanistic thinking and ways of society which are antithetical to God's ways. When we come back to God's Word, meditate in it, and embrace it, we will know who He wants us to be in our very being. And we'll have peace.

Dear mother, you are "home" when you embrace your maternal anointing because He has given it to you by divine creation. It is who He created you to be. You are "home" when you stop striving and relax in His perfect will.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell