GodSaveAmericaGodly families who hold fast to God's truth are the desperate need of this nation. Isaiah 26:2 says, "Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation, which keepeth the truth may enter in." The word "keepeth" is "shamar" and means "to preserve, to guard, to give heed to, to keep watch."

It's the righteous nation that enters in to all God's blessings--the nation that observes and guards God's absolute truths. And not just one truth, but all of God's truths. The margin in my Bible says the word "truth" should be "truths," plural. It's not enough to pick a psalm to be comforted. We have to seek the whole counsel of God. When was the last time you read Leviticus?

But a nation is made up of families and will only be righteous when we have righteous families. If fathers and mothers are not keeping God's truths alive in their families, the nation gradually looses the truth and slowly succumbs to deception. And when God's truth departs from the nation, darkness, depravity, and destruction begin. Where do you think we are in our nation today?

Isaiah 59:14, 15 (NLT) says, "Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed. Yes, truth is gone, and anyone who renounces evil is attacked."

But, we never give up hope. God will revive and restore us as we turn back to him. It starts with me. With my family. With your family. And as each family begins to seek after God's truth in His Word, impart it daily to their families, and seek to live it out, we can restore righteousness in the nation.

All it takes is godly families who will uncompromisingly hold on to the truth.

Will you and your family begin the restoration?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell